Chapter 1: clear skies

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Tino looked up at the blue sky. There wasn't a cloud to be seen, not even on the distant horizon. He smiled, and thought about how the skies resembled the light blue in his best friend Berwald's eyes.

Getting up from his spot in on the ground, he walked quickly back to the Nordic mansion. He wanted to see if any of the others were home yet, since they had all gone out to do errands earlier that day. Moving along faster, he reached home, and stepped into the living room.

The mansion was dark, though there was a bit of afternoon sunlight streaming in through a sky light. Tino left the lights off, and walked towards the kitchen. He could tell that no one was there, and he decided to make himself some lunch while he waited for them to return. He had been waiting and waiting for the others to get home, eagerly planning out a movie night. It would definitely be fun, and a good chance at some bonding time.

Tino started pulling out pots as he thought about which movie to choose. He was always a sucker for cute romantic ones, but the others liked the scarier horror ones. Those made him scared, but he was usually able to get over it pretty well on his own.

Humming casually, Tino finished up cooking his meal, and tidied up the small mess that came with making food. He sat down at the table, and dug in, all thoughts about the movie leaving his mind as the food was eaten.

Once he was done, he cleaned up all of the dishes, and went up to his room. Flopping onto the bed, he peeked out the window, and saw a few clouds in the sky. 'Well, even if skies are clear....there's still a chance of rain, huh?' He thought, hoping it would snow rather than rain. Snow was much better in his opinion.

Suddenly, there was the sound of shuffling and a door opening downstairs. 'Ooh! I bet the other are home!' Tino thought, and got up from his position to took a look out of his door. His suspicions were correct, and he saw the other four Nordics enter the house.

"Hi guys!" He called down the stairs, then went back in his room. Laying back down on his bed, he continued to look outside... watching as clouds began to completely cover the sky. It seemed like an ominous sign to Tino, and he started to think about it more...

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