Awkward Agreements

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"I presume you're wondering why you're handcuffed?"

The look Anti gave him was enough and Henrik seemed uncomfortable telling him.

"I vas not certain if you would. . . .  attack someone or not. I am sorry but zhis is merely a precaution"

"But. . . . I don't even know you." he coughed but tried to keep it down. Henrik reached for a glass of water he didn't see before and handed it to the hand that wasn't cuffed. Anti guzzled down as much as he could, ignoring the tickling in his throat and the need to cough even more.

"Easy there" the doctor warned, "Don't vant to choke"

"Wh-when can these come off then? Or. . . . am I going to jail!?" he suddenly panicked, "Is that why that other man was so angry at me? Am I-?"

"Do not worry about it" Henrik tried calming him down. Although. . .  he really didn't know himself. It wasn't up to him. It was a decision that ALL of them would have to come to.

"Now I need to go speak with Jackie. You just rest for now. Go to sleep. You've had a long day. It is safe for you to sleep now and zhe more you sleep, the faster you might remember things. Sleep heals!"

"What if I don't want to remember?"

Henrik ignored the question, "Just go to sleep. You can trust me" He went to leave but Anti stopped him again.

"Wait! C-can you put the bed up a little? My neck is sore laying like this"

The doctor swallowed hard at that but played it off, "Ah yes" he fixed the bed so he was sitting up a tad, "Is that better?"

"Yeah" He seemed so sad and pathetic in that moment. Henrik didn't actually want to leave him but if he didn't, Jackie might come storming in again.

"If you need to go to zhe bathroom, push that button and I will come back to help you. Or a nurse can if you'd prefer" he took the chance to rush out of the door. Jackie was waiting for him outside of it with a snarl on this features.

Anti laid there in the bed deep in thought but every time he tried to remember something, his head just hurt, bring aching pain.

The pain medication had worn off by now and he could feel every burn on him. It didn't hurt much now but he didn't mind.

A different kind of pain was bugging him right now. His heart hurt every time he moved his arm, hearing the clanking of metal on the bed from the handcuffs.

'What did I do to them? But the doctor seems really nice. The other guy in red looked like he wanted to kill me though. I must have hurt someone'

 His throat was bothering him again but it wasn't on the inside. The skin just felt sort of itchy. He lifted his free hand to itch it only to feel a weird line of really smooth skin.

'What is that? A scar?' he sighed and stared up at the ceiling, 'Was I hurt? Seems like a scar from a while ago if it's healed over like that . . . .  Did the guy in red do it to me? Seems like he would.'

He heard yelling suddenly from outside but he couldn't make out the words. He knew they were yelling about him though. He may have lost his memories but he wasn't stupid.

'Should I try and break for it? What if that man actually does try and kill me? The cuffs though . . . .' he was trapped. Anti didn't want to move his head around too much but he was getting nervous.

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