A New Ally?

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Dark suddenly disappeared from view and reappeared in front of Jackie, practically shoving him out of the way to get a closer look at Anti.

Jackie tried to gain back his position but Dark held his hand out to stop him, a force of power preventing the hero from intervening.

Anti's heart raced and he cowered before the man, terrified. It was obvious he held great power. Stronger than his indefinitely.

"You really don't remember anything?"

Anti blinked. He knew?

"N-no. Sorry"

It was Dark's turn to give a confused expression, raising his brows and leaning back, "Hm. I read your files. Google got them for me. The fire. Your Amnesia. You've been through the ringer, haven't you?"

Chase calmly walked up to them as to not antagonize Dark, "He has. He really doesn't remember anything, Dark"

"Fair enough." The man shrugged and let go of Jackie, allowing him to resume his position in front of Anti.

"What the fuck do you want!?" the hero was losing his patience. He couldn't just barge in like this and demand answers. Anti hadn't done anything to him.

"Answers" Of course. 

Dark turned and walked into the living room to take a seat in the couch, "All of it. I think I deserve that from Anti's little breaking and entering of my office. Otherwise. . . . well. I have other forceful methods of getting information"

Chase bit his lip and ushered the kids closer to Stacey, "Take them to the kitchen and stay there." he told her and without question, they left the room.

Wilford flopped next to Dark, putting his arm around his friend, "Well come on then, boys! Don't be shy! Take a seat!"

Host sat in a chair next to Dark and the other Septics slowly sat in empty places as well, Jackie placing Anti in between him and the others. Whatever Dark had up his sleeve, it was never good so they'd be sure to protect the glitch. He didn't deserve what Dark might be planning.

"Alright . . . .  so?" Dark's deep voice practically growled out, "Answers"

Anti didn't like the tension, glitching apprehensively and he burst out unable to contain himself, "There's another Septic ego that's after me and wants to kill everyone"

Dark blinked in surprise. Well, he certainly wasn't expecting that, "Have you notified Mr. McLoughlin?"

"No, and he won't need to know about it" Marvin spoke up, "We can handle the bastard"

"Bastard" Dark took note of how they spoke of this stranger, "I'm assuming that perhaps he is the reason for Anti's ailment?"

Henrik nodded, "Yes. We know he started the fire in Anti's apartment and concussed him against a table. It seemed he planned on leaving him to die. The firefighters found him and he was rushed to the hospital where I treated him"

They might as well tell Dark everything. He'd find out anyways.

"And why is he after Anti?"

"He uh" Anti looked away from Dark's coal gaze and tried remembering everything he could, "I think I . ..  used to work for him or something. Jackie took me to my apartment the other day but the man was waiting and kidnapped me. He  . . . said some creepy and bad things about wanting to kill everyone with my help. But I refused. He got mad and threw me in his basement in chains"

Dark almost had a look in his eyes of pity. He knew what it was to feel used and chained to something he had no control over.

"And then?"

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