Puppeteer's Power

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Dark was never one to be social. Even when the other Iplier egos got together, Dark was always off on his own, making up excuses of paperwork. There was never really any paperwork for anything but it was still his excuse.

The only ones who could always call him out on his bullshit, though, were Wilford and Host. Host 'knew' things and Wilford. . . . well that was just Wilford catching 'Damien' on his shit. But they left him be, knowing he needed time to himself sometimes to keep himself together.

He could crack apart if he lost control and he wasn't willing to let that happen. Celine went through too much for him to just mess it all up. But with Actor gone, everything sort of found a peace. He didn't have to worry about falling apart and at first he was happy.

But then one day while he was in the void, someone came to play.

Anti seemed to have found his way to him and it wasn't pleasant. 

"What do you think you're doing in MY realm, glitch?"

The man laughed, his voice distorted and all over the place. Dark didn't have to turn around and see him to tell he was  . . . . . not stable.

"Well you wanted me here . . .  so here I am!"

Dark wrinkled his nose in disdain. All he wanted was some damn peace and quiet.

"I don't know what you're talking about but you better leave now before I decide to discard you in chunks"

"Oh is that a promise!?!"

Dark finally turned to face his enemy. There was something off, though. His eyes glowed and his smile was unsettling. Something was wrong with him. Dark had never actually met Anti before but he wasn't a normal ego, not even by Septic standards. He started to glitch and shudder, ready to attack.

But Dark wasn't worried. Not even in the slightest. He held a lot of power in his hands that no other normal ego could counter with.

As Anti glitched, his eyes suddenly stopped glowing but he didn't stop glitching. But now . . . now this was just getting really weird.

"Where. . . . oh" Anti had said. He stared at Dark and his expression was different. Dark just assumed he was crazy. Of course he would be for even daring to come here.

"Well? Are you going to try and attack me or not?" Dark taunted him.

That seemed to have jolted him and Anti launched.

It was a quick fight. Dark wasn't even sure if he could call it a fight. Anti had seemed so eager before but it was like he changed his mind in the middle of it all.

Dark stood over Anti. The glitch was too beaten to even escape but Dark was merciful.

"Maybe that'll teach you to pick your fights better next time. Perhaps you should stick to alley fights like the scum you are. You'd probably stand a better chance. Tch" Dark smirked down at him, "Now get out of my void"

That had been the one and only time he had ever seen Anti in person. He was so confused when he appeared in his office that day but his pity for him overcame his anger.

Then learning about his situation. . . . . Dark just felt awful. Why couldn't he have seen it? Of course Anti was being controlled. It wasn't his fault. That day. . . . it had to have been the puppeteer taking control over him. And when his eyes stopped glowing, he must have deserted him.

Anti had just been defending himself back then. Dark had nearly killed him without properly looking into the situation. 

But now he had the chance to make everything better between them. He could make it up to Anti and help him.

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