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Sometime Before the Fire

Anti didn't want to keep doing this. But if he didn't try then there would be a cost to pay. For him.

After trying to strangle Henrik, Jackie showed up to save him. The hero was about to attack Anti when he just disappeared out of thin air.

His 'master' had teleported him back to his apartment. Anti was nervous but refused to show him that.

"You failed again"

"Well if you wouldn't keep ripping he away like a fooking ragdoll then maybe I'd get the chance!"

"You had your chance!" he shouted. Anti flinched at his anger in habit.

"Look at you. So disappointing." he rolled his eyes, "And yet you DID throw them off their game, I'll give you that. The TV I gave you has aided you in sneaking up on them."

Anti almost felt relieved but the look on his 'friend's' face was anything but praising.

"And YET . . . You've failed in killing ANY of them with every chance you got and now they'll be sticking together! They'll be watching for you now!"

Anti tried snuffing it, "Whatever. I'm sure there's loads of other opportunities"

"Do you even WANT to kill them, Anti?" Anti knew that tone of voice. . . .  he hated that tone.


"Because I don't think you do" he came so close and gripped his throat, his sharp nails digging into his scar, "You better make up your mind . . . or else you're no use to me. I can just as easily find someone else"

Anti gulped, "I. . .  I want to kill them. I do"

He tilted his head, "Hm? You do?"

Anti nodded in his grasp, "Yes, sir. I do. I won't fail next time, I promise"

"Good" he let him go, letting Anti rub his neck to soothe the skin, "Because now since you've alerted them all, we have to go on a roundabout way in attack."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you know anything about their children?"

Back to the Present

"What do you mean he's gone!?" Chase yelled at them, "You were right there with him!"

"I don't know, Chase!" Jackie defended himself, "There was a man that just appeared there out of nowhere and they vanished!"

"It must have been the person who tried to kill Anti. Maybe he started the fire to try and destroy any evidence" Marvin suggested.

"Well that tis obvious now!" Henrik groaned, "But why did he try and kill Anti!? Who is he!?"

"We don't know" Jackie shook his head, "He was wearing a cloak and some sort of black mask."

"Damn" Chase cursed, "And you're saying they just vanished out of thin air? They didn't jump out the window?"

Marvin shook his head, "No. It was magic. He teleported."

Jackie couldn't argue with that "And he called Anti 'puppet'. I'm not sure what that means but . . . it seems that when Anti was attacking us, he wasn't alone. This mystery person was pulling the strings"

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