Marvin's Secret

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Anti and Marvin just stared at each other for a while both equally as confused.

"Y-you . . . ." Ant tried mustering out, "You shut the door . . . . . from over there"

Marvin practically gulped like a cartoon character. He was excited but he didn't want Anti to go running telling everyone what just happened.

Looking around for anyone else in the hall, Marvin strut over to take Anti's hand, "Let's go to my room"

Anti couldn't even break out of his grasp, letting the magician drag him. He couldn't really tell what his emotions were at the moment.

When they got to Marvin's room, he shut the door behind them, letting Anti go. But still neither knew quite what to do or say.

Marvin stroked his scruff habitually and groaned. He wanted to talk but couldn't think of anything to say.

Anti snapped out of his shock and stared at Marvin curiously, "I . . . I thought . . . Henrik said you didn't actually HAVE magic"

Marvin swallowed and ran his hand through his hair before coming up closer to Anti and placing his hands on his shoulders, "Anti . . . you have to promise me you won't tell the others"

"Wh . . . what!? Why!? Marvin . . you can do actual magic! You could go up against the weird septic ego reject dude!"

Marvin wanted to laugh at Anti's nickname for the mystery ego but kept himself serious.

"No, listen, Anti" Marvin shook him lightly, "I can't."

"But why not? You did that to the door-"

"And tomorrow I won't be able to. Look, I can't explain it. Sometimes I have it and sometimes I don't. But you can't tell the others, alright? They'll either think I'm crazy or just trying to get attention. Okay?"

Anti's face fell but he understood his friend's concerns, "Alright. I promise. But wasn't it so cool, though!?"

Marvin grinned and laughed, letting his shoulders go, "Well yeah!"

"Can you do something else? Maybe move that book over there?" Anti pointed at a book on his bed.

"I can try" he shrugged and reached his hand out for the book. To their delight the book floated just slightly, hovering a few inches off the sheets. Marvin held his breathe. He could feel Anti's wonder at it and it made his heart flutter.

This is what he missed. He missed this so much.

Suddenly the book fell back down and Marvin's hand shuddered, feeling exhausted.

"You okay?"

Marvin nodded, "Yeah, it's just . . . . I think that was it"

"What?! No, no! That can't be it!" Anti was disappointed but didn't want to push him. But then again, he wanted to see so much more.

The mystery man that kidnapped him the other day had magic in him but it was so much different. His was sinister. Dark.

And Marvin's . . . . well it was magical. So uplifting, practically glittering with joy. It was like being high, not that Anti would know what that felt like. Or rather, would remember.

Marvin sighed and straightened, walking over to his desk. Anti watched as he took out a wand.

"What's that?"

"A wand"

"Well yeah but . . ." he really wasn't sure what he was asking about it. He used magic with his hands. What did he need the wand for?

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