Not As Remembered

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Marvin made himself forget a long time ago.

But there was something about what Anti said that triggered his brain.

He knew the other Septic. The man that tried to kill Anti. For some reason he wanted Anti so bad again, though. He couldn't figure out why.

There was no way he could go to his brothers.

Why not?

Because they didn't remember anything either and Marvin made damn sure of it unlike him.

But he was still stuck on the why. He had to remember why.

And why could he only use magic again in fits and bursts at a time?! it didn't make any sense to him! It was like life was playing with him. Toying with his heart and mind.

Marvin sighed and paced around in his room in thought. If he didn't hurry, things weren't going to end well, he could feel it.

Anti was playing a crossword game with Henrik down in his office. The doctor was testing his memory with a repeated crossword from the other day and really, he was doing quite well. 

It was boring as hell but Anti didn't mind. He could only suffer through so much silence though.

"Did Jackie find out any more about the apartment? He went with Chase earlier right?"

"Correct. They came back a couple hours ago. You didn't ask yourself?"

Anti shrugged, "I don't know. Sort of on the fence if I want to know or not."

"I see. . . . . Vhat is this word, you think?"

Anti just shrugged again, not really motivated enough to figure it out "I don't know. So the other day then when Jackie came home all disoriented and shit. . . . you think it had something to do with the mystery ego?"

Henrik smirked and removed his glasses, leaning back. It was obvious Anti was done with the game today, "It's very likely. He has magic capabilities so it is very plausible Jackie was hypnotized into coming home instead of going to the apartment"

"And that's why he went back again? With Chase this time? And why Chase? Surely magic would be stronger than a gun"

"Ah but the mind of the caster is only so fast. A bullet is faster"

"Guess you're right. But how would you know?"

Henrik shrugged this time, "Science. The mind can only work so fast, my friend, no matter what sort of abilities you have. Yes, you can think ahead but only so far. We can only try and stay ahead of this . . . . magician for as long as we can."

"Until what? Until I remember everything? And what if that doesn't go so well for you guys? The magic guy seems to want my memories to come back faster"

"We can only hope you'll remember us and how we are NOW rather than before. I can only hope. I wouldn't mind if you stayed like zhis but odds are your personality vill change again. Tis only natural."

"What about Marvin?"

Henrik didn't seem to follow, "Vhat about Marvin?"

"He's a magician, too. He could help and-"

"Anti . . . Marvin is not actually REAL magician."

"What? Of course he is! I saw it myself! He did that card trick and-"

"Anyone could do a card trick if zhey practice enough. Tis slight of hand. Manipulation. Marvin is practiced vell in the art of it. He has grown out of it for a while but it seems with you back, perhaps he has grown a fondness for it again."

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