2. Cadet

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The people of Wall Sina were not welcoming. It was expected that we would become homeless. But it wasn't long until we were taken into an orphanage where we met an elderly couple who kindly took in all three of us.

We were lucky. Very lucky. We were teenagers amongst a room mostly of toddlers.

I am sixteen, Lily is fourteen, and Ame is seventeen.

Together, the five of us lived happily ever after within Shinganshina. Until that day came. The day mankind received a grim reminder of our living fear of titans and the disgrace of living in these cages we call walls.


The end.


It was the end of my third family. The only ones that survived was Lily and me. Ame had died from the fall of a large boulder that landed right beside me. The sight of her dead body, the smell of her blood, and the immense fear and sadness within me will never leave. I know it, because they have been burned into my senses.

I held Lily's hand tightly and she squeezed back.

"(Y/n)..." she cried.

"I'm here." I said, my eyes watering.

Right. It wasn't the end of my third family. I still have Lily. I will protect her, my only family left, with all of my strength.

As we enter the next town over on the rescue boat, another titan has burst through the connected wall. But all of us on the boats safely arrived.


To accommodate for the vast amounts of refugees and the food shortage, adults were taken to the fields while some were sent on missions where they never returned. As more time passes and more issues arise, I took Lily's hands and broke the news to her.

"I'm going to get into the 104th cadet camp and join the Survey Corps."

"You'll die!" She said.

"But we can't just sit idly by." I said. "Plus...I know that I can't just let it go. I need to do something. I need to make something of myself and put everything behind me."


"Will you join me?" I said. "Because I know that I can't leave you here. I'll be too lonely." I chuckled slightly.

Lily smiled at me. "You're so strong, (y/n). I need to be strong, too, so yes! Let's fight together."

"Yeah!" I said.

And so, we registered for the cadet camp and was accepted in no time. Training, learning, and following rules was all we did during our time here.

Along with Lily, we got to know our fellow mates as well. There's Eren, the angry German boy, who's super ambitious and on his mission to killing titans. Beside him are two others. A genius English boy, Armin. A strong and beautiful half-Asian, Mikasa. There's also Jean, Sasha, Connie, and the rest that I didn't know as well. With Eren, Armin, and Mikasa, we had found out that we had all came from Shinganshina. What a coincidence!

In a flash, 3 years had passed as we near the end of our cadet days.

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