Life is tough in the Underground City. It was until you came and saved me. It was finally becoming easier until I was abandoned.
Now years later, I joined the survey corps in hopes of making something of myself and breaking free from my past to rest...
It was time for Historia's disguise. I put on her wig and outfit, but my face wasn't cute enough. And everyone else just looked....a bit off.
"Oh hey!" A lightbulb lit in my head. "Isn't Armin perfect? He's cute and small like a girl!"
"That's so mean!" Armin cried.
"That's a good idea." Eren was amazed. "(Y/n), you're a genius!"
As we walked, we took a small break. I was by the lake gathering some water when Eren came up to my side. He helped me gather water but then he stops.
"That's a weird mosquito bite." He suddenly says.
"W-Well it was a huge one." I said.
I felt a bit anxious as Eren studies it with his eyes. Suddenly, he makes an "ah."
"Did Captain do something again?" Eren says sternly.
I grasped the bottle tightly. "No." I said. "It really is a bite. Seriously, Eren!"
I uneasily begin scooping up water again but then the muddy area causes me to slip. Eren catches me in time with a slip of his arm over my waist. When I stood back up again, Eren just stares at me. I stared back.
Hmm..? Wait, his face looks closer. Is he getting closer?!
Our faces were only a few inches apart and I could feel his breathing.
We both turned around to see Mikasa glaring at us.
"What?" Eren says.
"You're taking too long." Mikasa says. "Here, I'll carry that water bottle for you."
"Stop it, Mikasa." Eren said. "I'm not a feeble old man. Besides, it's just a water bottle. I can carry it fine myself."
"Eren..." Mikasa says.
Mikasa glances back at me with an apologetic look. I let her know it's okay.
We walked through the commotion in Trost District. There were flags everywhere and a large gathering of people all around.
"Don't walk in a cluster." Levi orders. "We'll stand out."
The MP at the center of a announces the distribution of rations to the Trost District citizens. The crowd cheers in joy.
"What a King!" Sasha exclaims. "He sure is generous!"
Walking, a wagon suddenly pulls through and Jean and Armin were pulled in by some arms.
"Arm-I mean Christa and Eren!" Sasha shouts.
I hid inside the building where Armin and Jean are held captive as Mikasa makes her way inside. I watched closely and stayed alert. As soon as Mikasa starts fighting the people inside, I jumped out and suffocated a guy till he passes out. Sasha fires an arrow at a guy behind me and I quickly go to untie Armin and then Jean. They took off their disguise and we quickly escaped.
"Where's Captain?" I asked.
"He went over to Eren and Historia." Mikasa says.
We got moving and soon there were noises from a distance. And then a gun shot followed by a different gun shot and then another gunshot and then another one. I tensed up.
What's going on? Isn't that the direction where Levi is?
As we get closer, we hear more gunshots. I catch a glance of Jean, who was looking pale. Staring at Jean, a bullet grazes my shoulder. I wince.
"(Y-Y/n)..." Jean says.
"I'm alright..." I said.
There's fighting and a stray bullet just happened to shoot my way. Nice luck I have, but at least I didn't get a orifice shot into me. We all searched for the wagon. We then found it with strangers on it. We also caught sight of Levi flying through the air. We watched as he slices open his enemy's stomach and Jean's face becomes even paler. Mikasa looked calm. She's not exactly new to this I suppose. Well now that I think about, I did aim to chop down an old man's leg before.
"Jean, Mikasa, and (y/n)!" Levi shouted. "Follow the wagon! They've already got 3 of us. These guys are used to killing people so don't hold back!" Levi says as a dead man lies hanging from the roof.
"Another one dead." Jean mumbles.
"Yes, sir." Mikasa says.
The fight was quite long. I managed to almost l survive with only the scrape on my shoulder if not for Levi coming in to save me from another stray bullet. And apparently the Kenny person is here and that's who Levi was fighting against. Nevertheless, Eren got kidnapped. Yet. Again.
Poor boy. Poor Eren.
We took shelter in a small hut as we refreshed ourselves and treated our wounds.
Levi sat by a wall of crates beside him and one under him. Behind the crates, Jean and the others picked themselves together as Armin struggles to not gag.
Seeing Levi with his solid face despite the deep cut from the bullet earlier, I felt bad. I took a step and was about to take another one until I was held back by a petite hand.
"Lily?" My eyes met hers.
She had a unique expression. One that I have never seen before. At least not on her, because just what is it? Why does it look so familiar? What's this feeling?
"Lily?" I called again.
My stomach lurched as a image filled my head.
"...Petra..?" I reluctantly said.
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