3. Battle of Trost

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"So why are you guys here?" Connie asked as we ate.

It was dark out and we were finished with the day's training. Though Sasha was out running her laps thanks to her eating a potato at a weird time.

"To live comfortably, you know?" Jean answered.

"I'm going to join the Scouts and kill all the titans." Eren said intensely.

"I'm here to become stronger." Lily answered, smiling. "And to protect people important to me."

"Um, it's the same for me." I said.

Lily conversed with the others easily while I sat silently beside her, eating my meal of bread and soup. Lily was a chatterbox and easy to approach despite some of her past experiences. I remember that I, too, used to be quite chatty and easy to approach. From the corner, I noticed Annie with her usual bored expression. I looked away when she caught my stare.

I-It's not like I'm particularly interested in her. I'm just a bit curious with the way she acts.


"(L/n)." Keith Shardis said. "What's the matter?"

"S-Sir!" I quickly gathered myself and balanced on my 3D maneuver gear.

"Mm." He nodded. "Good."

Yes! Now that I've mastered the 3D maneuver gear, I'm officially a soldier! I just have to choose a division next. And it obviously was the Survey Corps.

Trost District

At the top of the wall, I stared off into the distance. Never in my life did I ever think I would get to enjoy the sunlight and the clean air of the surface world. As I stretched my arm out, a sudden gust of wind blew back on me and the colossal titan appeared. Near me, I could hear Eren's rage as he flew in the air, trying to get the colossal titan before it disappeared with a hot gust of wind again.


"Guy..." my voice almost trembling. "Look."

Everyone stared down the wall as a crowd of titans had appeared.


Everyone of the 104th cadet camp was in a panick as we were thrown into the battlefield so quickly. Jean beside me was almost shitting himself of his bad luck. If only this could wait a day later in his mind.

Lily was covering the same area as Eren and Armin, while I'm with Mikasa.

Gripping my sword, I set off.


I slammed down, piercing through the air as I cut off a slice of titan meat. The ugly giant fell onto the ground as some cadets were impressed by my lack of hesitation.


It's a nice feeling. I felt powerful. Yes, power is what I need. If only I had power, then none of those things would have happened to me. And maybe I wouldn't have been abandoned.

"AHHH!" I heard a scream to my left and immediately set off to save my teammate.

I then heard another scream coming from the ground. I turned to see a 15 meter titan approaching a civilian using a walker as he desperately tries to run away. He then tripped in his hurry as the titan grabbed him. I quickly used my 3DMG and cut the titan's hand and then the nape of its neck. As the person falls, I catch him. He was heavy, really heavy. I fell to the ground and dropped him.

"Oh, s-sorry!" I apologized.

"Watch what you're doing, bitch!" He shouted from the ground.

After seeing each other's face, we both were stunned for a millisecond.

"YOU!" Old man John pointed as he crawls away in a struggle.

I stood there, a dark shadow cast over my face.

"I should've let you become titan food." I spited.

I looked at his disabled left leg. I must have damaged his femoral nerve back then.

"You BITCH!" He shouted. "My leg...you fucked up my leg!" He stood up with the help of his walker as he charged at me. I easily dodged out of his way.

I glared at him.

To think that I used to be under his capture, submitting to him, and letting him stroke his hands all over me. It left a bitter taste in my mouth. There's no one else but-

I stopped.

What am I saying? He abandoned me...I should hate him.

"Hah." He snickered. "You're still scared of me." His eyes then scans over my matured body.

I felt disgusting under his creeping eyes.

I kicked him in the nose, causing another spurt of nosebleed just like old times.

"Not so tough now, huh?" I laughed.

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped over mine as I was pulled away.

"(Y/n)!" Mikasa said. "What're you doing?!"

"M-Mikasa..." I almost whispered.

Her face was a bit disturbed but mostly confused.

"This crazy woman was beating me, a helpless civilian, up!" John said, struggling to stand up.

I glared at him again, making him flinch.

"You..." I said as I began walking only to be stopped by Mikasa.

"(Y/n)." Mikasa said. "We don't have time for this. I'll hear you out later, okay?"

"Are we going to let trash like him live?" I said hesitatingly.

"I don't know who he is, but we are soldiers." She said. "We protect the city and its people."

I inhaled and exhaled as I calmed my emotions.

"I understand." I said. "Sorry."

I left him alone and we both flew using our 3DMG as we killed titans. Suddenly, an aberrant titan jumped towards me. I escaped in a hurry and crashed onto a roof. A sharp stone on the roof has pierced a good cut across my right arm. Blood started gushing out.

"Shit." I cursed.

I quickly picked myself up and ran to avoid the grasp of the titan. The titan was clearly faster and slapped me against a building, knocking me out.

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