21. Heated

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I have WAY too many pictures of this guy XD

Hope it helps spice up the chapters ;3

I decided to make Levi's favorite black tea so that I could find a reason to talk to him. Things have been tense after what happened yesterday.

I knocked twice on his door.

"Name and business." He says.

"Um, it's (y/n)." I said. "I brought you tea..."

I entered and shut the door gently behind me. I set the teacup on his desk and watched as his lips press against the ceramic cup, sipping the liquid in.

I never thought that I'd be jealous of a cup.

"Stop staring." Levi says, annoyed.

"I-I'm not." I looked away.

He looks at his paperwork as usual even in the cabin. He rubs the arch of his nose and sighs. He then suddenly looks at me. I pointed to myself and looked at him.

"Why're you still here?" He says. "Stop standing there like a dumbass mannequin."

"I'm not, Levi..." I said.

"It's Captain." He states.

"Well fuck it, Captain." I said.

"Is that any way to talk to your superior?" He glared at me.

I flinched back a bit. I did say his glare is attractive but it is pretty intimidating though.

"C-Captain..." I whimpered. "Why're you angry?"

"Am I not supposed to be after knowing that you talked about me behind my back?"

"T-That was-" I was cut off.

"Are you mocking me?" He continues.

"What do you mean?"

"You and Eren seem awfully close." He says. "I bet you're using me to make Eren protect you so you can get closer with him."

I felt my heart break at his sudden accusations. There is no way in bloody hell I would do something as schematic as that. I'm not smart enough for it.

Levi was acting childish that I started to become childish, too. I crossed my arms at him.

"I don't get why you're barging into our business." I said. "Sure, I have a thing for Eren. We've done some stuff a couple times. Don't worry about it."

"Even when you kissed me?"

"Um, y-yass..." I lied.

Levi suddenly got up and started storming towards me. I backed away until my back was against a wall. Levi hovered over me with his arms on each side of me, blocking my exit. My heart began to race and my face flushed. He's so close that I could feel his breathing on me.

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