9. 57th Expedition: Hell

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We awaited silently for commander Erwin's command in front of the gate of wall Rose. I remember my formation and stayed close to my teammates. I was near Armin in row 2-4. I looked back at Eren and he flashed me a smile. My eyes then drifted to Levi, meeting his cold eyes. I tried to look for Lily but there were too many people.

"Eyes to the front." My teammate scolded.

I turned my head forward with a grunt. 'Jesus.' I thought.

"ADVANCE!!" Commander Erwin shouted when the gate opened.

Time Skip


I perked my ears.

"I hear something!" I shouted.

My teammate and I looked behind us. There was a small figure in the distance and it grew as it neared.

"It's an aberrant!" He shouted. "Kill it!"

"Y-Yes, sir!" I readied my sword and jumped off of my horse once it drew near.

In a swift movement, I cut off the meat on its neck. Just as I did, more titans came. My teammate got off his horse and started fighting with me.

"Kuh-" I winced as one almost bit off a junk of my bicep.

And then another titan, a different one, ran past me.

It's fast!

I looked to my teammate and stopped when I found him in a titan's mouth. He called out to me with a terrified expression smeared with his tears and blood streaming down before he was completely crushed and eaten. I was disturbed and almost gagged as I heard the sound of raw flesh being chomped and blood gushing out.

I got back on my horse. "Hiyah!"

It's been a while and I couldn't see anyone around me. Just as I slowed down, confused of what direction to go, I saw green flares in the sky. I fired my gun as well and followed.

I soon encountered more titans. I had no choice but to fight. I grabbed into my bag and fired a black smoke. After a while, I saw Lily and the guy from the new soldier ceremony beside her.

"(Y/n)!" She screamed.

"Be careful!" I shouted. "You! Protect her!"

"Y-Yes!" He shrieked.

His face was practically leaking shit.

Lily used her 3DMG and killed a couple titans. As she approached another one, a titan came from behind with its hand extended towards her body.


"LILY!" That guy outscreams me and flew straight onto the titan's face. He was caught in the middle of his furry and blinded one of its eyes just as he, too, enters the titan's mouth. Lily tried to save him only to have her smacked unconscious onto the ground.

Seeing the miserable scene, I retreated and managed to grab Lily's limp body and escape. So much for calling help.


Someway or another, I lost the titans and reached a huge forest where everyone else is. I parked my horse and got onto a branch with Lily in my arms.

Armin told me briefly about what happened and how there were sounds of bombs not too long ago. But we were all confused. I sat Lily down on the branch with me.

"Is she okay?" Armin asked.

"I don't know."

I felt my body give out as I sat down. Suddenly, there was pain in my ears and I covered it. There was a loud animal shriek. After it stopped, all the titans underneath us started to head in the forest.

"What's going on?!" Jean shouted.

"We have to stop them!" Armin shouts.

I followed with everyone, leaving Lily with Sasha after she talked about the power of the forest. I saw Levi and the commander and then the female titan.

It was being eaten by the other titans?!

"Defend the female titan at all costs!" Commander Erwin orders.

It looked near impossible, but regardless, I followed. I killed them until we were ordered to retreat. I followed behind Mikasa until we stopped due to the shot of electricity from within the forest.

"Eren!" She shouted.

"Mikasa!" I followed her.

"Guys!" Armin shouted behind us.


Mikasa was a strong soldier, so strong that I couldn't keep up and was slowly being left behind.

"Cadet (l/n)!" I turned to see Levi. "Stay back."

"Mikasa's up ahead!" I said.


As we penetrated deeper into the forest, I began to see blood. I shivered. The first body I was was Eld's. Then Gunther, Oluo, and Petra. I stared at Levi. I couldn't see his expression since I was behind him.


Remembering her smiles and kindness made me die inside a little.

Levi continued forward. He maintained at a speed where I could keep up unlike Mikasa. It made me feel weak. It was just like back then in the Underground City. I'm so weak that he needs to be mindful of me. Maybe that's why he abandoned me? Because he got tired of me? I'm probably just another brat that he had to take care of. So...did he hate me?

I clenched my hands.

What am I talking about? I'm the one who's hating him now. Besides, he doesn't care about me enough to hate me. He was always busy with his underground crimes. He never actually looked at me. I'm sure that's how it is.

"Oi." His voice brought me back to reality. "Be careful!"

I realized that he was holding me.

"Stop struggling!" He said, annoyed. "Idiot."


"I said you're an idiot! Now get going."

What?! This guy is so infuriating!

Up ahead, I began to see Mikasa fighting the female titan. Levi sped up and held her back.

"Maintain this distance." He said.

Behind them, I watched as they rescued Eren from the female titan's mouth. Afterwards with the rest of the Scouts, I ran to Lily's side. She was still unconscious. I put a my jacket over her as we moved back to wall Rose.

I thought about how Levi saved Mikasa and grabbed Eren despite how much he hated filth. Maybe he isn't as heartless as I thought. Maybe he didn't abandon me. Right?



We looked behind us to see titans chasing us. I then noticed the two soldiers below them.

"Idiots!" The guy on my same cart said.

"T-They...are catching up." I muttered. "Captain!" I looked to him beside the cargo.

He didn't move. Instead, he ordered us to throw the bodies out.

"Tons of soldiers don't make it back, these guys are the same." He said calmly. "Hurry!" He shouts.

I flinched as the guy next to me started throwing the bodies out. I reluctantly did as told. I hesitated when I came across Petra's body. I hung my head and threw her out. The cargo now clean if bodies was as cleared out as my heart. I felt numb.

'I was wrong.' I muttered in my head. 'He's as heartless as it goes.'

I hate you after all, Levi.

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