5. Deciding Court

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Eren's titan power had garnered commander Pixis'a attention and a plan to retake Trost was made. And it was a success though rocky.

I sat eating with Armin and Mikasa. Eren was underneath the court building locked up in his cell.

"I-I'm sure that it'll be fine in the end." I tried to break the sour mood but it didn't work.

I went back to eating as silence fell between us.

These people are just being ruled by their fear of the unknown.

I then stared at my food in a daze as I remembered the end of the mission. His small figure standing at the top of those huge titans as he looked back at Eren, Armin, and Mikasa. It almost reminded me of the times when he saved me. Well, I'm sure I'll probably never see him again.

"Let's go." Mikasa said.

"Yeah." I quickly finished my food and fixed myself up.

Let's go to the court room.

Court Room

I hid behind Mikasa when I noticed him.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Too many people." I said.

The court then begins with Eren locked at the center with the Military Police and the Survey Corps on either side. And right there, amongst the Survey Corps, stood him.

His stare that naturally looks like he's glaring at times and his steel grey eyes were all too familiar. It was such an old sight that feelings of nostalgia wells up inside me.

"Now, would the Military Police start with their proposal." The head judge says.

To be brief, the Military Police wants to get rid of Eren after getting as much information as possible while the Survey Corps wants to use Eren to help fight against titans and reclaim wall Maria.

"No!" One of the worshippers said. "We should kill him as soon as possible!"

I drowned out from their arguing behind Mikasa.

"...ou pigs."

H-He's speaking!

"What's wrong?" Lily whispered into my ear.

It tickled and I almost let out a weird noise.

"Lily!" I whispered back.


I sighed.

"Eren Yeager and Mikasa Ackerman were 9 years old when they murdered 3 robber-kidnappers."

The whole court room did a gasp. I was surprised as well since I've never heard of it.

"I can't help but be disturbed by their lack of humanity by their actions." He continued. "Can we really trust him with the fate, funds, and manpower of mankind?"

The court was silent and then...

"Maybe she's a monster, too!" Someone said.

"We should take her and dissect her!" Another said as others followed.

"STOP!" Eren shouts as he made a loud clang from the metal restrains. "It's true that I may be a monster, but she has nothing to do with this! You're wrong! You're just speculating to make things turn your way. You guys have never even seen a titan. Why're you so scared? If those with strength don't fight, then who will? If you're scared to fight then at least don't hinder me! You cowards."


"You should just shut up and bet everything you HAVE ON ME!" He finished with a shout.

The court room fell silent for a second.

"Get ready!" A guy orders and then a cadet pointed their gun at Eren.

As we panicked, Levi flew out and kicked Eren in the face, knocking a tooth out.

I gritted my teeth.

Beside me, Mikasa was about to storm out but was held back by Armin. As the beefing continues, Levi finally stops and starts his speech.

"I personally think that pain is the best discipline." He says. "You don't need to be educated by words. You need training. You've fallen so low that it's easy to kick you around."

"Wait, Levi. What if he gets angry and turns into a titan?"

"What are you talking about? I thought you guys were going to dissect him?"

The tall blonde guy with mean eyebrows then raised his hand to speak.

"I think that Eren should be under Levi's squad and have him personally watch over him."

It was then decided that Levi will handle Eren and kill him if he does anything funny. Eren was also accepted into the scouts.

By this time, I had come out of hiding. Actually, I forgot about hiding as I was all glued to the events and the relief I had for Eren. I happily indulged myself with the thought as I held Lily's hand.

"Yeah." Lily smiled. "It's great, isn't it?"

"I'm so glad..." I heaved a sigh of relief and looked towards Eren to suddenly meet Levi's grey eyes. We gazed at each other for a good second before my thoughts came back and I looked away as naturally as possible.

As everything is settled, Eren followed a woman with glasses who is then joined by another tall man.

"Let's go." Armin said.

Leaving the room as we walked through the large hall, we stopped when we came across the man from earlier leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. It was his typical pose. I kept walking as Lily and Armin followed with Mikasa forming a nasty look on her face.

As I walked past him, he reached and grabbed a hold of my wrist. I felt a mix of emotions surge through me and turned to face him.

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