𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 | 𝐞 & 𝐫

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    In the comfort of the bed and the comfort of the moment, Eddie wanted nothing more than to be in such bliss for all of eternity. Such absolute peace and assuredness in he and Richie's relationship, not giving a care about anything else in the world. This was what he wanted. All he needed.

    Richie opened his mouth, ostensibly to say something, but his lips were shut almost immediately after. Eddie's eyebrows furrowed, curious as to what the boy was going to say. He couldn't dwell on the thought for too long before Richie's rushed in for yet another kiss, this one longer than the previous one.


    Richie stared at Eddie, mentally cursing himself for what he was about to say. To distract himself from his own question, he kissed Eddie again, hoping to not come off too abrupt.

    Eddie's lips tasted sickeningly sweet like cotton candy, the sugar seeming to dissolve as his lips eventually broke away from the kiss, leaving Richie to still taste the sugary flavor until it melted away into numbness. His heart had never felt so passionate - so full of love. He felt like he was in a dream, one more vivid and bright then he'd ever had. Colors were coming back into the world from its previously monochromatic state.

He'd never realised how lackluster and flavorless his life had become. He couldn't imagine himself going back to that state, though deep inside of him, he had a lingering, poignant feeling that something tragic would happen again. That he'd mess up the saccharine sweetness between the two of them, left with an acidic residue that would be impossible to get rid of this time. That the indigo and pearl morning glories he saw when he looked at Eddie would die, letting the nighttime reign forever. That what they had was nothing more than a spring liaison, some sort of illicit love that only felt sacred to two of them because it was taboo. 'Besides, why would he ever want to be with me?'


    The kiss broke, feeling so long yet so short simultaneously. Eddie watched as Richie moved closer, seeming to break a small barrier that was between them. The barrier was a mossy stone fortress covered in viridescent vines and half-bloomed flowers. The flowers did not have their full bloom again like it once did, a reminder of  how much yet how little they knew about each other. The wall was broken, Richie somehow being strong enough to break through it, despite everything. The flowers weren't there anymore, neither were the vines. None of that was important. It didn't matter what happened, it only mattered what was going to happen.

    Richie's presence was intensely commanding, even though he didn't intend it to be. He was the type of person that could make Eddie's emotions, which could be dark, entwined and twisted like black licorice less complex and intricate. Things could feel more simple. He was everything that Eddie desired to be. This played into Eddie's romantic obsession with Richie. Even through all of Richie's flaws and many, many past mistakes, that boy certainly knew how to make someone feel like they've never felt before. The struggles of not knowing if he wanted to be with Richie or just be him.

    Eddie took his arm from under the blanket, wincing a bit. He realised something - he was sore. His arm felt tense, and as he moved his leg a bit, he realised that it too had a feeling of soreness.

    Then, Eddie had an epiphany - yesterday's memories came back into his mind. Did they- No, they couldn't have. They may have woken up in the same bed, but that didn't equate to anything - did it?

    Embarrassed at even the thought of it, Eddie's cheeks turned into a light tint of a coral pink, moving the soft blankets over his cheeks to cover him from blushing.

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