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Rosalyn could not keep her stare off the pair of glowing eyes.

Scars zigzagged around his eyes, his dark skin interrupted with light marks. His eyes barely held the brown color he once had, but rather a mix of yellow and orange. The color radiated off of him, and Rosalyn was memorized by the glowing rays, and his power.

The boy was quick to share his power because he was unable to hide it. He was only cuffed to the metal chair by his wrists and ankles. The other two subjects, on the other hand, were not easily open to share.

Rosalyn stood behind one of the workers as she talked to him through the speaker. Vivienne stood to the left, her arms crossed.

"So you can see through walls."

The boy nodded before he chuckled. "I can see all three of you. But the whole mirror thing is a nice touch. Almost threw me off for a second."

Rosalyn immediately raised her chin. The fact that he could see her felt unsettling, but she always had eyes on her at the Capitol. This felt different, nonetheless.

"Let's start asking him questions," Vivienne said. "Rosa, write it down."

Rosalyn sat next to the woman as she pulled out a pen and paper. The boy watched the movement, and Rosalyn felt exposed.

"We're going to start asking you some questions," the woman said. "Let's start off by your name?"

The boy slightly pulled on his restraints before answering. "Sebastian Kritz."

"And your age?"


Rosalyn jotted the information down as the woman continued. "Where are you from?"

Rosalyn knew he was from the East, but she couldn't pinpoint the state. Maybe his accent meshed when he was in Oklahoma for three years.

"The beautiful state of Rhode Island," Sebastian said. He cocked his head. "Are we East? I swear you don't even have an accent, woman. No personality."

Rosalyn grinned. They were trained to hide their accents, but his confession was a good joke to her.

"You are in North Carolina right now."

Sebastian inhaled. "Ah, the East Capitol. I was expecting a warmer welcome."

Rosalyn watched as Sebastian stared down at the metal cuffs. She felt the same way, but it was all precautionary, and he had to understand that. Nonetheless, he frowned at them, and Rosalyn started to bite the inside of her cheeks.

Sebastian looked to his left and sighed. "I mean, come on, do you expect him to trust you guys to show his powers when he's caged up like that?"

"He can see Subject Zero," Vivienne said.

Vivienne was right. He was looking through the wall, right at Subject Zero. Rosalyn could see clear pain on his face as he stared. Did Sebastian know Subject Zero well?

"Poor Kai," Sebastian murmured. He craned his neck to his right. "And Hyemi too? This isn't a great way to treat your guests."

"Write down those names," Vivienne said. "Kai and Hyemi. We finally got names."

Rosalyn jotted down the names on the side. They've been asking the female subject her name since she arrived, but she would not budge. Rosalyn heard that Subject Zero wouldn't even confirm or deny that he was in fact Subject Zero. She hadn't seen him yet, but her father said they gave him more sedative before trying to question him again.

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