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Rosalyn's chest tightened as the four new subjects walked through the door.

She didn't know why she was so nervous, but an unsettling feeling seemed to punch her gut as she watched Malakai jump to his feet and run over to the others. She craned her head to the newcomers, praying they wouldn't hate her. Because deep down, she was still a soldier to them, still an enemy.

But she had to admit, watching them all reunite made her lips tug into a smile.

She recognized Miriam right away. She walked in first, her glowing blue eyes nearly lighting up the room. She smirked at Malakai and Hyemi but was almost shoved to the side by a boy, who took both of them into an embrace.

His Southern drawl was apparent as he spoke. "A family reunion was long overdue, don't y'all think?"

His words were followed by muffled laughs, and Rosalyn watched as the boy pulled away from the embrace, his large hands resting on both Malakai and Hyemi's shoulders. His sun-golden locks rested perfectly along his head, and his eyes were a grey color, his tanned skin making them nearly shine. He was tall, only an inch or two taller than Malakai, but his muscles were defined. He was not as bulky as Sebastian, but there was something about his figure as he moved and held himself that made him look evidently strong.

Rosalyn's eyes soon dragged over as she saw a flash of red walk inside.

"Where are they where are—oh!" the redhead shrieked, pulling Malakai and Hyemi into yet another embrace. Her hug was shorter than the boys, but aggressive, and as she let go, Rosalyn could hardly understand what she was saying. She talked quickly, mumbling half her words as her large sandy-color eyes glanced back and forth from Malakai to Hyemi. She seemed—energized, or maybe just anxiety ridden, as she looked vigorously around the area. She double-glanced at Rosalyn, and immediately her cheeks started to redden as the girl stared.

The redhead moved closer to Malakai as she continued her stare, but it was soon averted as the last girl walked in, who held a smile from ear to ear.

He skin was close to Rosalyn's color, a shade of sun-bronzed, and Rosalyn guessed she had some Indian in her. Her smile was contagious as she walked in, and her facial expressions were almost dramatized.

But Rosalyn soon understood why as everyone began to talk not only with their mouths, but their hands as well.

She thought back to when her father told Malakai and Sebastian to stop signing to one another, and now Rosalyn knew how they learned signed language. One of the subjects was deaf.

Rosalyn watched in awe as the others naturally signed with their hands while also speaking out loud. She took Malakai and Hyemi into an embrace, and she was even shorter than Hyemi. All the subjects were meshed together, hugging, talking, and Rosalyn finally saw Ingrid appear from the crowd.

She approached, taking in a big sigh. "We've got quite the number of people in this house now."

Rosalyn nodded. "They seem happy, though."

"Oh yeah," Ingrid expressed. "I'm going to let them have their little reunion. You should stay, get to know them."

Ingrid made her way to her room, and Rosalyn was left by herself again, observing the newcomers. And she had to admit, it was entertaining.

She watched as Malakai approached Miriam again, opening his arms wide. "Come on, let me hug you—"


"I'm hugging you."

She rolled her eyes as she received the hug, but her eyes glanced and settled on Rosalyn. She chuckled then smirked as she pulled away. "Ah, look who decided to come?"

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