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Kai watched as people stood and shouted for his freedom.

Voices grew louder as their car crept forward. They had been in traffic for almost thirty minutes, inching their way up until Kai could see the protesters himself. Cars merged into one lane as the other lanes were packed with people.

Kai's eyes quickly glanced at their signs. 'Free The Subjects', 'Free Country',  'They're Still Humans' and some specifically about Subject Zero. In fact, that was the only "name" they knew. But yet, they were on their side.

"This is good, Rosa!" Ingrid beamed as her fingers danced along the steering wheel. "This is what we needed."

Rosalyn nodded back, but all the subjects could do was watch in awe. People stood in a solid line, chanting and hollering about freeing the subjects, about how their lives equal any other humans life. The sight was a blur to Kai; this was all for—them? He had assumed many didn't care. Benedict had made it clear in their minds that they were for the use of others only. Nobody would look at them the same again. Then explain this, Benedict? Kai thought.

"They must not know about our escape, then?" Hyemi asked.

Rosalyn shook her head as the car slowly moved forward. "I assume no. I'm sure they'll give it a couple more hours or longer till it's announced. They don't want to scare the public."

Seb chuckled. "They should be afraid of the public."

Kai rested a hand on the head of Rosalyn's seat as he leaned forward. "You're saying most of the public is afraid of us?"

Rosalyn turned her head. "Benedict showcased you guys as dangerous." She paused. "He said Subject Zero was lethal. People are afraid; they just don't know. If they know you guys are loose, some people will freak."

"So what will happen when the Capitol finally announces our escape?" Hyemi asked.

Ingrid chimed in. "Well, we were assuming the worst. However, it looks like you guys have some people on your side."

The crowd grew louder and wider as they finally approached the front. Their adrenaline made Kai excited; a spark of hope settled into his mind. If people truly cared for the subjects and wanted them free, maybe it could happen. Maybe he would be able to see his family after all.

Ingrid merged into one lane as they passed the people, and traffic dispersed shortly after. The car was silent; Ingrid was beaming and it seemed to radiate to everyone else.

Time went by slowly after that. Kai buckled his knees, his long legs sore from the small space he had in the car. Seb seemed to be struggling too, switching his seating positions every now and then. Hyemi, on the other hand, fit perfectly in her middle seat. Her head would casualty rest on Kai's shoulder, and if she was shrugged off she would switch to Seb's. Ingrid continuously rubbed her eyes; she had been driving for at least six hours, and her eyes must've been strained from staring at the road. Rosalyn, from the outside, did not seem phased, but Kai knew the emotions running through her mind. She was dealing with the separation from her family, but she hid her emotions well with her stone face.

Ingrid finally broke their silence. "One last stop. We're only an hour away, but I want to keep our gas full. The future is pretty unknown so I just want to be safe."

"Smart thinking, ma'am." Seb arched his back and stretched his arms, his hand slapping at Kai's face. He let out a huge sigh, and Rosalyn slowly turned her head back, a slight grin on her face. Kai began to wonder if Rosalyn had actually liked the three of them. It was a stupid thought, he knew, but he was curious. What if she was one of the subjects as well? How would she fit into the 'group'? In slight ways, Rosalyn reminded him of Farrah, although with a lot less worry. Farrah was another subject; she was always trying to maintain order, but she was also a nervous wreck half the time. Hyemi also resembled some of Rosalyn's personality; they were both extremely smart, careful, and assertive when they needed to be.

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