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All Rosalyn could do was helplessly stare as Sebastian glowing eyes began to tear up.

Everyone was outside, lingering by the door, as two soldiers stood next to Sebastian; one of them holding him firmly, a gun pressed to him. The other one stood tall next to them, his stare shifting as he looked at everyone.

Rosalyn had never seen Sebastian truly scared before. Even in the Capitol, when he was beat up and confused, he never seemed scared. If anything, it was a face of concern. Concern for Malakai and Hyemi and their safety.

Sebastian being scared was an odd sight, and it sent aching pains to Rosalyn's chest. His jaw was clenched shut, but his eyes spoke words his mouth never could. Words of worry, distress, misery. He remained rigid in the mans forceful grip, and it pained Rosalyn that she had never seen Sebastian triggered before.

Well, she probably had. But instead of Malakai's responsive antics like she had seen, Sebastian fell completely still.

The solider not holding Sebastian took a step forward. "We've gotten orders directory from President Arthur Veil and Vice President Isaac Bonavich to retrieve Miss Rosalyn Bonavich and Subject Zero and bring them back to the East Capitol immediately."

Rosalyn froze at his words. They wanted her and Malakai before anyone else. Sebastian was being used, just like he was used to pry Malakai's power out of him. Again, he was in the worst position.

The solider continued. "While we also have direct orders to bring all subjects back, those two are the priority, and we will only take them—for now."

Even if they only took Rosalyn and Malakai, they would be back for the others. However, there were only two soldiers. Malakai could likely take them, but with his best friend being threatened, she knew Malakai would not fight if it meant risking Sebastian's safety.

And she was right. He took a step forward, clenching his hands into fists to show that he would not use his power.

"If you let him go, will you just take me?"

Rosalyn stepped up next to him before the soldier could respond. "No. Just take me. I'm sure my father would be disappointed if you returned without me."

She really did not know if that was true, but she acted confident in her words. If anything, she would go with them if it meant more time of freedom for the others. She wouldn't be able to bear the subjects being captive again, and it surely would shatter any sliver of hope they had. She would return; that made more sense.

Her family would want her back more than anything. Right?

The soldier didn't seem to care who tried to play hero. "We are required to bring you both back."

The grip on Sebastian grew tighter, and Rosalyn could see Malakai physically wince at the sight. She remembered back to when Malakai cried as Sebastian was being beaten by the soldiers; the way he pulled against his restraints, and how his body racked with sobs and uncontrollable shivers.

And Rosalyn knew that she and Malakai would be heading back to the Capitol, because there was no way Malakai would let anything happen to Sebastian, or Hyemi.

But instead, he reached out and snatched Rosalyn, pulling her against his chest, holding her almost the same way the soldier was holding Sebastian.

Rosalyn shrieked at the sudden movement, but Malakai kept his hold steady; one hand across her waist, while the other was pressed against her neck, making her head tilt upwards. She trusted Malakai, but his actions felt stronger than usual, more forceful.

Subject Zero (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now