Chapter 22

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*Ski P.O.V*

So here I am not doing a damn thing...jk jk. I was walking making sure my path was clear.

"Aye Jah when you left point did set up the droid?"

"Yeah no shut up I cant think wit yall talkin every 3 seconds."

Sometimes I just want to tell him that he's adopted. Anyway I opened the little computer on my arm to see if where Alexus had any weak spots. To my luck there was. I closed the computer after sending a message to the others computers saying mission Alex was a go.

I took the path that was a little clean silently taking out the guards. I saw that I was gone need some help but I can manage for right now. I press the bottom on my shoulder makin me invisible. I swiftly a quietly took out the guys that were in my way.

I got to Alexus I used my glasses to scan for any invisible protection around her and it was clear. I got to her and saw she was I hope sleep.

I touched her arm making jump up. She couldn't see me so I made myself visible. She was telling me something but she must forgot the cloth in her mouth was making her speech incoherent.

I removed the cloth but gestured for her to be quiet and lay back down. I make myself invisible and just stood there as a guard passed. He stay around for about 2 mins before leaving again.

I look over at Alexus and feel bad for her having to go through all of this. I knew what was going on but I didnt do anything because it wasnt my business but now my sister is involved it's my business now.

I made myself visible again.

"Aye guys that help would be very useful right now. I got Alexus but there still tons of guards around here."

"Dont get ya thong all in a bunch I'm on my way just try to keep them at bay Y/N is close but has to finish settin up the bombs."

So what I'm hearing is that I might die while saving this little girl...nah g I ain't sign up for this part. I stood there waiting disappearing and reappearing.

"Aye I just put the last bomb down I'm headed your way."

About damn time I was really about to bounce. I waited a little longer and saw Y/N coming I'm invisible right now but her glasses made her be able to see me.

She took out the guard and I made myself visible again for like the 190000 time and told Alexus that she needed to stay quiet while I undo the straps. I got her lose and helped her off the table. She lost her balance and almost fell but I caught her.

My night just keeps getting better now I got to fight these people off while carrying her. Y/N came up to me and took her out my arms.

*Y/N P.O.V*
I saw Stokeley by the table Alexus was on. I didnt know if she was awake or not with the words of her being awake just a minutes ago. I took out the guard the came up Ski got Alexus off the table but she almost fell. I broke me to see her like this. I saw Ski roll his eyes so I took her out of his hands.

"Look I got her, there are 13 more guards around here so let's flip of who gets the even number."

I pulled out a coin that was double sided heads.

"I call heads" I told him before he had a chance of calling his side.

"6" then I made my way to the guards. I looked from behind a big crate and saw them sitting around laughing and it pissed my off. I stood Alexus on her feet giving her a knife and something to help her get energized.

She followed me to get closer to the group.

"Well, well, well what might we have here wait no lemme guess 6 dead men?"

I said slowly walking toward them. They stood up and looked at each other and began to run towards me.

Well let's just say that was a stupid idea because well I'm me and it was a dumb idea.

I swiftly took out 3 but got shot in my lower abdomen. I think the bullet hit an artery cause I started bleeding pretty bad. I tried to take on the other 3 guys but I was becoming weak with ever moment.

My vision was going in and out, one guy threw a punch I saw coming but I didnt react quick enough. As his fist collided with jaw I was hit again but the pain came from my back. I dropped not being able to handle the impact.

I clutched my bullet wound as I get kicked and stomped on. I tried fighting back but my limbs felt heavier my the second as my eyes start to close.

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