Chapter 29

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Walking down the hall Jah would help but wonder what were Chrystal and Ski talking about before he came in.

What he doesn't know is that they were talking about the fact that Mike is possibly his real dad which would make Chrystal his sister.

He got to the room and saw that there was 2 doctors in the room. One doctor was Doctor Parrish but the other one he didnt know. He walked in a caught their attention they smiled at him.

Doctor Parrish: Ok miss Y/LN we are going to see what damage the stab wound did to your nervous system ok? First can you try and wiggle your toes for me?

In response you tried wiggle your left foot toes you not being able to sit up and look made you think they were moving but they were not.

You didnt notice your little brother by the door with a sad look on his face.

Doctor Parrish: Ok can you try with your other foot for me please?

You did as asked but you only got then to slightly move. You looked at Doctor Parrish and saw the little grin on her face you felt proud.

She wrote something down on a clipboard and handed it to the other doctor. They took the clipboard reading it while they left the room.

Y/N: Aye doc if you give me ya number I can show you what else I can move.

You told her while giving a her the smile that pulls all the ladies in.

Doctor Parrish: Is she always like this?

She turns around to ask Jahseh as he shook his head yes walking up to your sister's bed.

Y/N: Aye little bro dont worry when I'm done you can have her.

You whispered when he got close you look back at Doctor Parrish then back him.

Y/N: Well what's gonna be left of her.

You mumbled the last part to yourself but Doctor Parrish still heard you.

Doctor Parrish: Sweetheart dont write a check you cant cash. Anyway I'll be back in about a 1 hr and check and see how everything is progressing.

Y/N: I can show you now if he just leaves the room for about 10 minutes...minimum.

Doctor Parrish just shakes her head at you walking out. You look up at Jahseh and see in his face something is wrong.

Y/N: What's wrong lil bro I would pat the empty side of my bed but as you saw a few minutes ago things aren't up to par

Jahseh settles for the chair beside the bed. He took a deep breath not really ready to hear his self say what happened out loud. Either way you was going to find out but he just couldn't get his self to say it.

Jah: Well Jellybean pasted out on the way here and while waiting on you I guess the meds Alexus was on wore out and she pasted out also so there's that.

You hearing that Alexus and Chrystal where hurt in some way made it you feel guilty. If you would've just left Alexus alone no one would be in a hospital bed.

Jah: But Chrystal is ok now she just pasted out because between you and Maya there was a lot of blood. On the other hand Alexus lost a lot of blood I didnt even notice she was wounded.

You start to panic knowing that Alexus maybe in very bad shape and all you can think of is getting there and helping her with whatever there is.

Jah: If it matters I checked on Maya and the way the doctors are looking at things her odds aren't good sis. I mean I just wanted to tell you just in case there was a speck of concern.

The information he gave you on Maya didnt hit you until he left and went back to Chrystal and Alexus. You just laid there not being able to move and stuck in your thoughts.

The longer you laid there the more suffocating they became. You didnt think that if Maya was in any type of trouble you would care after what she did but you did.

You felt worried based on the fact that she was in critical condition and doctors dont think she may pull through. Something in you also knew how strong she is and whatever happens is going to be on her terms.

You still aren't ready to hear whether she didnt pull through, you are already going through a whole army of emotions based on the fact that Alexus is back in a bed unconscious and there is nothing you can do about it.

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