Chapter 33

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Kehlani's P.O.V

What the fuck. I'm going to kill her.

"Your voice is so beautiful. I love that song you made called um um what is it called again Jen?"

"You talkin about 1st Position?", Jen responded which caught me off guard nobody should know that song.

"YES! "

I flinched slightly at her yelling. How in the hell did they know about that song. I made that when I was like 19 I never released it though.

"Um thank you so much "

"Can we have your autograph? "

"Um sure yeah"

I signed what they wanted me to.

"Um, can you check these out for me, please?"

"Yeah sure ", jen said starting to scan my stuff.

I nodded putting my hands in my pocket rocking back and forth on my heels. I stop when I felt someone staring at me.

I looked and saw it was Kelly I smiled and she smiled back. I paid for my stuff and waved bye.

As soon as I got in the car I called Y/N.


"What the hell Y/N"

"Damn baby girl calm down"

"No how did you even get that music"

"Oh, that won't a thang you know I got some connections here and there. You never told me you and Nick use to kick it?"

"That's because we didn't, things didn't work out so-"

"You thought oh well let me become a doctor because that's what I was born to be."

I closed my eye and huffed then focused back on the road.

"No, it's just didn't work out so I went back to school- anyway why did you post it."

"I just wanted to show the world how talented my baby mama is."

"Y/N for the last time you and I DO NOT have a child together."

"Well yeah not yet, you be playin anyway you're welcome for showing the world you're more than fine as hell and the mother of my child I got to go."

"Y/N- "

She hung up before I could finish. There was a reason why I stopped making music. And now that I have a daughter I don't want her to go through any of this.


So when Kehlani left the hospital a few minutes before Ski and Alexus came back. They had no food with them which made me confused.

"Where my food little boy?"

"What food little girl"

"The food you said you and Alexus was going to get."

"Well we did get food just didn't get you anything."

He shrugged and walked to the chair near my bed. I got up and got the clothes they brought me.

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