Chapter 38

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The nurse came back with a cup of water and a cup of pills. I don't want to take the medicine because I don't like any type of drug whether prescribed or not but this pain hit differently.

The nurse pushed the button on my bed to sit me up. I winced at the pain growing in my stomach. When I was at a good angle she stopped and handed me the pills. I took them and looked at them for a minute.

I quickly put them in my mouth and grabbed the cup of water to wash them down. I frowned at the taste they left behind.

"Alright, so Im going to get you to speed as to what you are feeling and how you are healing."

I nodded as the doctor continued.

"Okay... You had surgery to remove the bullet in your lower abdomen which caused some internal bleeding. Once we got that under control that right side of your ribcage was broke in 3 places. With your blood type, it was hard for us to find a donor but someone matched when testing for another patient."

I need to find out who that was so I can thank them for saving my life.

"After that surgery, you flatlined twice but was successfully revived the 2nd time and was in a coma for 2 weeks."

The doctor continued to tell me everything that happened but I was still stuck on the person who matched my blood type. I would not be here without them whether their blood was intended for me or not.

"You were on a breathing machine for a few days so if you talk any your throat will hurt so I advise you to wait a couple of days and drink lots of liquids before trying to speak. I have to go but I'll get the nurse to come back to change your bandages in a few. If you need me . press the red button on the remote here and I'll come running."

I nodded at what he told me. I dont want to be alone in this room anymore. I'm starting to get frustrated because I want to talk and tell him what I need but I can't.

The doctor leaves and I just lay here and staring at the ceiling thinking about how and why all this started. Why did I let it get this far to the point I died not once but twice? I wish I could blame it all on my cokehead of a brother but I'm at fault too I'm taking full responsibility for my part.

I wonder has he came and seen me yet. When Mike took us he was talking about him but I was in and out from being hit in the head too many times. It's crazy that I considered that man my family. He's not my blood uncle he was close friends with my dad and would always be around during family functions.

When im released me and his need to talk. I lay there and memories for my mother slowly filled my head. I wish she was still here and I blame myself and father for it. We knew that Dre had mental issues and never wanted to address them.

I remember when I was little I had a ballet recital. I was so happy to have the whole family see me on stage. Before the show, I got in my head that I could do it because I remembered it was more than just my family out there in the audience.

It was close to my stage time and I was refusing to get ready and go on stage. The people went and got my mom and I started to cry because I didn't want to mess up and disappoint her and my dad. When I saw her come backstage I ran to her and hugged her leg tight as I balled my eyes out.

She picked me up and walked us out to the school hallways. I calmed down as she sat us on the floor.

"Maya baby listen to me"

She said as I was still crying a bit.

"Are you listening?"

I nodded my head rubbing my eyes. She moves them and wipes the tears off my cheeks.

"You are going to do great. You wanna know why?"

I nodded my head still sobbing a little.

"Because you are the most talented little girl in the world and either way if you go up there or not I am proud of you. I know you are going to do great things in the world and it starts at this very moment."

She looked me in my eyes as she said that. I didn't understand what she was saying clearly but I knew that it had to be true because she always told me the truth.

"I love you so much mija."

She pulled me into a hug as I tell her I love her too.

"Now go out there and show them how bright my little star can shine yeah?"

I shook my head yes while getting myself together. We got up and I grabbed her hand. She bends down to kiss my forehead and we go back backstage. I get ready and go out on stage. I was starting to get nervous when I saw how many people were there.

I scanned the crowd and saw my family and smiled as my mom held up two thumbs and my dad had a big smile like he was proud and Dre was clapping and cheering.

I performed and when I was done I got a lot of cheers but you could hear my family slightly over the crowd.

I smiled feeling proud of myself and happy that I made my family happy and proud.

A smile stayed on my face as the memory fades away while I drift off to deep sleep. Shedding a tear wishing my mom was still here.

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