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One night I prayed for someone to love
someone who fit me like hand in a glove
he must have been listening to my heartfelt plea
because in a short time he revealed you to me


Feeling a little hot and a little flustered, you fan yourself with your hand.

In your head you're still beating yourself for looking but visibly you're just trying to take one another look.

Is it weird that you want to see that man naked? Shouldn't you be ashamed?

Yes, ashamed! Thats what you should be.

You wipe the warmness from your cheeks and start fumbling with the food containers.

"Do you think we can cook?" You say out loud and Namjoon pops his head from behind the trees and look at you struggling with the containers.

"I think so" he replies and gets back to fixing his shirt inside his sweats.

Oh why did he have to choose to wear such bulky clothes that day.
The day he had the flight; that day when he landed onto the airport.

He covers his torso with the hoodie and comes out.

Soulmate is busy moving around.

Her tight skirt barely even on her skin. She has patches of cloth missing and Namjoon feels devastated.

She must be feeling so concerned.

"Why don't you change as well?" He suggests but you simply nod your head and pull your skirt lower, stretching it so furter that it rips from the side.

Namjoon gulps as he sees your smooth skin but quickly takes his previous shirt and ties it around you.

You startle and look up at him, and he rubs his neck nervously.

"There is a rip down your skirt" He says and sits down onto the soil.

"Oh" You say and push away the containers and scoot a little further down as well.

"I know how to start a camp fire" Namjoon says after a while and you look over at him with shock written all over your face.

"Why didn't you say so, then?" Sighing, you get up and start grabbing some sticks and dry soil.

Namjoon copies your actions and after some hours of verbal fighting and disagreements, you finally see some hope.

Namjoon cracks the food tins as you air the fire with a thin wood flat stick.

"So lets get some stones and put it around it and cook over it" Namjoon suggests and you nod but do not get up.

He rolls his eyes and gets up to look for flat pebbles.

You carefully place the food tins together as Namjoon brings the pebbles and soon the food is on its way to get cooked.

Just as the food is done, Namjoon hurriedly grabs it and blows at the heat smoke over it before pushing it in his mouth.

You giggle while looking at his satisfied expression before taking a bite of your own.

Oh, how hungry he must be.

Filling your stomach, you lay down onto the cold sand and curl up in a comfortable position.

Namjoon tends to the fire and makes sure nothing is naked to erupt into a huge fire.

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