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I sit here in a daze wondering what to do without you.



You never realised that running would be the biggest escape you could ever choose to do.

Maybe, if it was a normal situation, you would turn a blind eye towards it but running away seemed to be the only choice you had now.

Now; when your hands were gripped in the musculine hands of the man who you would do anything for you and for whom you would do the same.

It wasn't long before he said he loved you.

You were shocked.


But the warm seed of love that was already rooted in you glowed and reciprocated his feelings.

You finally understood who this man was.

His features as clear as the daylight in front of you.

The same dimpled man you saw on the street 7 months ago.

The man who was destined to be your soulmate.

The man that brought colours into your life, quite literally.

The reason why you were in this situation.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" You asked him as you perched your back on a tree, your body begging for a stop from the over excursion of the muscles.

You heave while bending down and look up at Namjoon standing in the same way, against another tree.

"I did" he says and stands up to walk over at you.

He rubs your back and grips your waist to distribute your weight over to his body.

"The old lady said that you had to know on your own terms. I guess it was part of their plan" he explains and you nod your head.

But if learning who your soulmate was the reason why you both were in this situation in the first place then why hasn't it ended just as soon as you learned that Namjoon was your soulmate.

You knew Namjoon had the same questions.

"How far do we have to go?" You asked him, to which he simply shook his head.

"Far away from them" he says and holds your hand once again and gently tugs you behind him as you both run towards, well, no destination in particular.

"Whenever we choose to stay in the place they dropped us at, something bad happens. We have to find shelter somewhere else. Somewhere they won't be looking" He says and turns to look behind at you

Your wild, air dried hair are flying in every direction. Your face burning due to the fast paced exchange of oxygen in your muscles.

Your flushed neck aches as it perspires with the sweat forming on it.

"Just hold on a little longer"

Namjoon is worried for you but after what he went through, knowing he had zero control over his body and if not for his soulmate, he would be dead right now.

Namjoon was dreadful and anxious about what was going to happen.

He didn't want to repeat any of those events again.

He wanted to free you and him from whomever was holding you both hostage in this vast world.

Whomever had the power to manipulate the situations you both were in.

The sudden change in scenery caused Namjoon to halt in his steps.

You both were not in the same field like place anymore. This time you both were running towards a cliff.

Namjoon ran towards the edge and looked down.

You hold onto him strongly around his arm because you don't want to repeat whatever had happened before once again.

You didn't want to loose him anymore than you could possibly.

Namjoon looked over the cliff and found rays of stonework, forming caves into it.

The crashing of the waves creating huge sprays of water.

There is rumble like music entering your ears, almost mystifying and numbing.

"We should camp out here" Namjoon says and walks you down towards the rocks placed symmetrically.

You decide to not negotiate anything because it seemed like Namjoon knew what he was doing.

"We can find some shelter here for the night and then move on again tomorrow" he says and you nod your head, not uttering a single word.

You were scared that maybe if you speak, they would know that you were here.

Namjoon had a tight grip over you as he balanced himself and you over the bumpy rocks.

Finally, you both reached a cave wide enough to home two bodies simultaneously. You duck down and crawl a little before Namjoon crawls the same way behind you, entering the cave.

You crawl to one corner to leave some space for Namjoon to be sprawled at.

You both sit with your back facing each sides of the cave, his knees bent while yours pressed against your chest.

Your arms are wrapped against your knees while his are perched on each of them.

Namjoon shakes his hair that made wavy mess over his head.

"Are you cold?" He asks after a while of settling around.

You shake your head and place it on top of your knees.

You look at the sea beyond the cliff and the sky above it.

Its slightly darkening, the water reflecting the similar darkness as well.

You can't believe you have been running for a whole day.

Namjoon keeps his eyes on his soulmate.

He knows that something is messing with you, eating you from inside out.

He can easily understand the worriness in you and how scared you are. Because he is feeling the very same emotions.

But he can't have you worrying when there is so much fight left.

He slides down next to you, sitting right next to you.

Without looking at you, he takes your hands is his and pulls you towards his chest.

He snuggles your head in the curve of his chest, running his hand through your hair.

Both of your's thighs pressing into each others.

"Don't worry. Im here" he says and coos at you.

He looks down at the rushing of the water.

Even water seems to be a little startled and in a frenzy.

"I thought I lost you" You hiccup, snuggling your wet face from the tears into his shirt.

You hold onto him like as if your life depends on it.

"Shh..I'm right here" he says and hugs you even more into himself.

"I didn't know what to do and I was so scared" You sniff and close your eyes imagining the same dread filling your body.

"Im here" he reminds you again and you lean your whole body into him.

"Im always here" he says as he keeps rubbing your head making your eyes go droopy and sleep to overtake you.

Namjoon looks down at his soulmate.
Worriness edged between her brows
He carefully pulls her whole body into his lap and rests his head over hers.

"I promise" he says and closes his eyes as well but his stance ready to leap out and kill if something ever was to happen during the night.

And to him it surely would.

While We Were Away ||KNJ||Where stories live. Discover now