32 10 5

Wondering how can this be..
There are things that we cannot see
There are thing we can feel



You shriek as you feel him towering over to you.

Your hands automatically go over to his chest to stable you but your head hits the soft soil underneath you nonetheless.

Namjoon looks down at the image of you under him.

For a second you try to push him away but then that second doesn't last longer and you give in by removing your hands from his chest.

The space of awkwardness flows away leaving both of you panting for closure.

He rests his face in the crook of your neck and you take a sharp breath in.

His lips gently suck on the soft supple skin as he leaves butterfly kisses as he moves vertically upward towards your neck.

"I thought I lost you" he keeps on saying but you close your eyes and humm a little.

His touch bringing an odd sensation in your lower abdomen.

It constricts, churns like panting for some air.

His hair tickles your face and his soft skin pushes into yours for more access.

"I was so afraid" he says as he reaches your eyes. He kisses you right above the skin of your cheeks and then moves horizontally and kisses you on the other side.

"I will never let you go. I promise" He says and backs up a little. You pout as he stops but he quickly comes back down in a sharp intake of air and takes your lips by his.

He sucks on the lips and kisses you like as he was thirsty for so long and just got to quench it.

His lips are soft, so ever soft like the first snow flake or the cotton candy sold at the theme park and just as sweet, so effortlessly sweet.

To you it feels like floating and melting at the same time, being weightless and having a hold.

You grip onto his upper arms that is resting over the side of you and gain even more access by alligning your face.

You reach a little upwards using your neck and kiss him back as feverishly as possible.

You don't want to stop feeling this way.

You love how he feels. You love what his touch brings to you. You love it when he is near and right next to you.

But you even know that your meant for someone else.

You pull away and sigh and Namjoon notices the uncomfortable-ness.

"What's wrong?" He says and gently trace your jaw with a fluttering touch of his fingers.

You close your eyes and try to survive the sensation breaking out in you.
You try to hold back whatever thoughts that are bubbling inside you

"Baby tell me what's wrong?" He insists and you feel a tear leaving your eyes.

"I can't help but like this" You mumble and Namjoon looks at you quizzicallly.

"This" You say and hold his face in between your fingers and give him a soft lingering kiss.

"I can't help but like it but I'm scared" You say and Namjoon feels elated.

He can't help but smile and press his forehead next to your.

"Don't be. This is right." He whispers and kisses you on your forehead.

The earthy soil taste touching his taste buds.

"But I have a soulmate somewhere here whom I'm supposed to be looking for" You run your chain of thoughts and Namjoon sighs.

"Do you see anyone, but me, here?" He tries to negotiate and you look at his eyes trying to find any answers as to what he is getting at.

But to be clear, there has been no one but Him all this time. The whole world froze yet he was here going through the same thing as you.

You inhale as realization hits you.

What if....?

"Are you my soulmate?" You say ever so slightly and Namjoon sighs and closes his eyes back and gets up from over you.

He wants to say yes but he knows that it won't work..
He knows that you wouldn't know unless you want to.

"I have been here ever since that day. And I will always be here till the end" He rephrases his answer and looks at you sitting up as well.

His words confuses you a little but you suddenly calm down. Your thoughts change all of a sudden and a huge flash of colours enter your eyes.

You shut your eyes half way due to the harsh light but then quickly open as it starts to fade away a little and leave the man before you coloured from some places.

You intake breath sharply and freeze. Your hands touching your mouth to not let the scream escape.

"What's wrong!? What happened?" Namjoon quickly holds you as he sees the change in your demeanor.

"I can....I can...I can.." You hiccup as tears run down your eyes.

"What is it baby, you're scaring me!" Namjoon says as worriness captures his emotions.

"I can see you in colours from certain places" You hiccup and Namjoon feels like crying with you as well.

Seeing someone in colours means that you are one step ahead in your soulmate search.

Namjoon knew that. He was so elated but scared at the same time.

He was happy that his soulmate could sense him but sad that he knew there were even more things to come now, that she some what accepted him a little.

Namjoon grips your face again and kisses you warmly. Your fingers tail his arm as you both cocoon themselves between eachother but what they don't realise that disaster was just waiting a lane ahead.

The cirle of bright light emerges once again.








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