22 7 4

these old meomries will never fade...
you've always laid me in your shade...
whenever I trembled or felt afraid....
and raised me up when I failed..



The weather is a little unsettling. There is a rumble of lightning in a distance which causes the sea to erupt in magnitude.

The cliffs reflect the sound of thunder, creating a horrifying atmosphere.

Namjoon and you hold onto eachother as pitch black clouds cover the whole sky.

You both had moved into one of the caves for cover but it was of no use since rain wasn't even occuring; it was pure isolated thunder but extremely odd.

Namjoon rocks you and then clutches you as the ground shakes with the sound of the lightning stroke.

"My mother used to say that the sound of the thunder is the sound of two angels fighting" You say leaning your head back on Namjoon's shoulder.

He nods and pushes your hair down and closes his eyes as another sound erupts.

The cave shakes irrevocably causing the cracks already in the stones to further divide.

You both have no choice but to come out to the beach and find shelter.

Namjoon decides to sit a little away from both the water and the cliff and pulls you next to him.

You both clutch onto each other as tears well in your eyes.

For Namjoon's sake, you look towards the bursting of water and try to find peace.

Your eyes keep looking at the water as it erupts into lava and then backs down.

You notice a little something as the water crashes between two consecutive waves. A figure like something forming in between them.

You narrow your eyes to examine it.

The crash comes again and the flash causes the figure to light up for a little second but in that same second horror settles in the pit of your stomach.

Agustus Bloom.

His face right there, laughing at you.

"Y/N!" Namjoons scream fill your headspace and you whip your head to him.

He must've seen it too.

You look at his horrified expression but it's not because of what you think you saw but due to the blackish inky liquid seeping between his skin.

He jumps and shrieks as the ink reaches up and forms branches to cover his whole foot.

"Namjoon! Oh my god!" You stand and touch the liquid but Namjoon pushes you away as he writhes in pain and screams in agony.

His limbs twists as the ink move in a fast pace speed to cover his whole lower limbs.

"WHAT SHOULD I DO?" You scream but your scream gets muffled under the screams leaving Namjoon's mouth.

His arms twist behind his back and his eyes turn into its sockets.

He falls limbly onto the sand and the blackness quickly covers his whole chest.

"No!!! God No!" You scream and cradle his head. His unconscious body paying you no attention.

Little whimpers leave your body as you see the ink moving into his already blacked out eyes and then covering it whole.

You scream into the air; the thunder quickly forgotten.

"WHY!!!?" You say and cry loudly.

"There is no point to scream, darling" Agustus Bloom says and you whimper holding Namjoon closer to you.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" You scream as tears and your snot mix together, giving you a feral look. Your red eyes deadly and your hands ready to kill.

"We had to find eachother right? I JUST HAD TO FREAKING FIND HIM RIGHT. AND I DID AND I LOVE HIM. WHY CAN'T THIS STOP?" You scream at Agustus Bloom's little figure as he smirks at you.

"Because I'm bored" he snickers, causing your blood to boil even further.

You see red as you charge at him.

Your feet take you to his laughing figure as you let your arms extend to kill.

"I will kill you" You say through clenched jaw and fire seeps into your limbs.

However, Agustus Bloom keeps on laughing; throwing his head back and bending to hits his knee.

You reach him but the darkness envelopes you and next thing you know the tables have turned and whereas you who was charging to grip him, he has you in his clutches.

He grabs you around your neck and twists your body to the black covered limp body of Namjoon's.

"Its your turn to sacrifice" he says and twists your neck to break it but just not enough.

Your vocal cords feel like they have lost all their power and their source of nutrients.

Your wind pipe flattens out and the air gets stuck in your lungs.

With a snap, Agustus Bloom causes Namjoon's body to rise into the air and carry on moving until he disappears into thin air.

"You have to do something for me if you want to get your soulmate back" Agustus Bloom snaps you around and clutches your cheeks in his hand.

He pulls you to him.

For a kid, he does seem to be so much stronger than you.

His face cracks as he smiles and then lets you go by literally throwing you towards the cliff.

Your back hit the cliff, and you feel like your spine literally broke into half.

You lay there limply as the dark clouds form around Agustus Bloom.

The air suddenly changes and blazes as a new figure stands in the place of what should be a little menacing kid.

"Call me Afriel and I'm your master" The man says and walks over to you with so much calmness.

The water behind him reflecting the similar calmness.

"You look perfect, absolutely devine" he says as he crouches down to your level.

The pain in your back, not allowing you to move even a little.

"Please" You mumble weakly as his dark nails touch your skin.

"How delectable" he says and licks his lips.

"You would do just fine" he says and licks his lips.

"What the hell do you want" you mumble weakly as you lift your head a little.

"Just a little thing" he snickers before moving his hand behind your back and pushing you to stand upright.

He smiles as you scowl at him.

"There is a scythe hidden in the same field where you woke up. Find that scythe and bring it back to me and if you fail to do that under an hour, say goodbye to your soulmate for forever" he smiles and with a click of his fingers and without waiting for your answers, changes the settings and makes your body fall through the darkness once again.

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