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You can meet your soulmate anywhere:
at the coffee shop that you've been to almost
every morning.
or at the park whilst feeding the pigeons,
even though you're not meant to.
or at the library on a weekend,
whilst searching for a book.

Written by Naz.
Copyright to Naz



You did turn around to look at him, your eyes searching for his image but something even more fascinating pulled you towards it.

Suddenly there were colors, and you could finally see them.

A shiver ran through you as your hair whipped around onto your face just in time the stranger turned to look at you, his gaze astonished.

But it was just so that you both never even saw each other. Maybe that was fate.

You were so fascinated by the colors; colors that you had learned but didn't know about.

The grass wasn't grey, no it was shiny and sweep and beautiful. You turn around to look at the trees and they are just splendid; like tall brooding towers guarding the grass.

Your eyes follow their length but something even more intriguing has taken your attention. The beautiful breathtaking scenery of the sky. You didn't know back then but now you can easily say that it was shades of indigo, and purple and blue and orange and reds and yellows all over it. It was like everything and more you could've imagined.

An epitome of colors.

You waved your arms around as you saw the birds, the reflection of the sky along with the tall buildings. The people, and oh wait. Yourself.

And you were beyond beautiful. Honey skin, warm brown hair, red lips, and blue eyes. You were an epitome of colors.

"Wait!" You turned back around to acknowledge your soulmate with a small smile on your face but your eyes land on...well just people walking by, nobody giving you a second look.

To them, you were still white as a paper.

But he wasn't there. You rushed behind him but you couldn't find him anywhere. It was as if in a world of colors you were lost.

But you were also relieved. You enjoyed your colorful life, even if it meant you didn't get to know who your soulmate was.

You threw the umbrella on a sideline once acknowledging the fact that not knowing your soulmate may in fact be fate.

You danced along the pathway.

Your sunny yellow dress flowing around your body as you moved and tapped along the bricks.


And after all this time, to be precise of about six months, you still had no idea who was your soulmate. Nobody between you two bothered to initiate anything and you were quite okay with that agreement. Because in a way you were free for yourself, you were able to feel for yourself. You didn't have thoughts about him, not as much as you would have if he was here with you. But that was all okay because you were FREE.

You look around the coffee shop one last time before getting up and taking your chocolate cupcake in your hand.

It made you feel warm and excited whenever you took a bite and it was one of your favorite feelings.

You walk out of the shop, running your hands along the brisk wall feeling the sturdy texture of it when suddenly, around a corner you hit someone and your cupcake topples from your hand and falls to the floor.

"Ohhh," You say as you look down at the little figure that hit between your legs.

"Sweety, look what you made me do," You say but the kid gives you a "What Nonsense" look and pulls you down to his level by pulling at your skirt.

"Hey!" You say as you get eye level to the kid.

"I was supposed to tell you this that it isn't long now that everything that you cherish the most will be gone," He says with a serious expression and his eyes not even blinking.

Your eyebrows come together as you wiggle your nose at what he said.

"Excuse me?" You say but he places his little finger on your lips and pulls you a little closer to him.

"Listen to me and listen to me clearly, it's not long now that something bad is going to happen and if you really want it not to, then you should follow the rules. Or else...." He stops and looks upward.
"Else the matters will be taken in our hands," He says and pushes you back as you stumble a little.

You feel like giving a good beating to the kid but he gives you one shady look and runs off in the opposite direction.

"What in the world just happened?" You say and wipe the dirt off of your skirt.

"Ughh...what the hell!" You whine as you once again repeat his words in your mind.

Everything that you cherish the most will be gone.


Hey guys, this chapter is short I know. But I really didn't feel like writing more than this and actually wanted to end it over here. So please bear with me. I will update the next chapter in a couple of hours, so don't worry about that.

Please share your thoughts!!

Thank you and love you,


Qs of the day:-

I WAS 16 AND IT WAS 2015

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