20 8 3

We are there
Walking hand in hand..
Like the road has no end..
We see the beauty of nature
And see the beauty of our souls
Without a word



Breaking over the surface, you inhale the salty air and smile from cheek to cheek.

Namjoon had already come up and was drifting at a side, watching your hair whip back and your expressions changing to that of pure fulfillment.

The water washed away any dirt or grease from your body and you move your hands around, feeling elated as the warm water soothes your dry skin and your locked bones.

Namjoon, however keeps his eyes on your body, never moving even for a second.

Your clothes are barely covering your body, and everything that you have; the valleys and the treasures visible to him.

He gulps as he feels the water around him getting warmer than it is.

He swims towards you and smiles.

"Do you want to float?" He asks and the sparkle in your eyes tell him that you would love to.

He holds your body in equilibrium straight position as you close your eyes and simply move with the water.

It feels nice to let go of the holds and just drift with the flow.

Namjoon's eyes settle onto your wet hair and moves down to your forehead, then to both your eyes and further to the bridge of your nose.

As his eyes fall upon your lips, an unsettling feeling settles in his core.

He moves you upright once again and holds your hand underwater.

"I want to kiss you" He mumbles as you look curiously at him.

You inhale as you lock eyes with him, he holds the eye contact and pulls you closer by the hands.

Your wet body hits his and he feels the curves of your body pressed onto his.

"Then do it" You bite your lip and push your head back a little, making your mouth propel forward and upward.

He takes no moment to capture your lips in between his in a harsh kiss.

He breaks away and looks around you and at you before diving for another kiss once again.

This time more hastily and chaste.

"I love you" he mumbles before entering your mouth with his tongue and moving his hands to push your legs up to wrap around his hip.

"Namjoon" You pull away and press your forehead to his.

"Hmm" He says, his fast breath hitting your lips.

"I love you too. Even after all this time. I love you. I'd rather have bad times than good times just to be with you. I'd rather be with you in a storm than safe and warm by myself..... You, hold my heart" you say and a tear drop hits your cheek and its easy to understand that your eyes aren't the root of it.

Namjoon kisses the trail his tear left on your cheek and then kisses you again on your lips.

"I love you Y/n! I guess I always did. I loved you yesterday, I love you today and I will love you tomorrow. Even though we never acknowledged ourselves when we first saw eachother but somehow I know a part of me stuck to you then and has been loving you ever since. And I know things haven't exactly been easy for us but I'm happy that we learned to get to know each other and trust each other" He looks at your eyes and then bends to kiss them each, capturing your tears by his mouth.

"I know we will be okay in the end and I hope that you believe that, too. Because no matter how hard the times get, it's only a part of our relationship. And I believe we will get stronger and our love will bring us together....because our love is stronger than whatever is out there against us. I really love you, always remember that" He sighs and kisses your forehead and you both enjoy the peace and warmth that settles around you.

The water, air and everything stands still around you both. Cocooning you in pure bliss.

You smile as you look at your soulmate, now completely filled in with colours and looking breathtaking as ever.

"Why was I so stupid to not realise before?" You mumble and Namjoon chuckles but kisses you again softly.

"Better late than never" with saying that, Namjoon bends down and settles his arm under your knees and picks you up in the water.

You wrap your arms around his neck and let your hair cascade down both of your heads like a waterfall.

"Better late than never" You repeat his words as he settles you down onto the sand and hovers over you.

He smiles and bring his face down to place feather light kisses onto the side of your neck.

You throw your head back and moan as he sucks and nips, moving down.

His hand snakes under your knee causing it to bend.

He then roams his hand down the side of your naked thigh and grip the brim of the dress sticking to your legs.

His fingers follow the curves of your body, his eyes roaming along with his finger.

He pulls the dress up with his finger, inch by inch as it pools around your chest.

He moves up a little to look down at your smooth, glistening with water, body right underneath him.

"If you could see yourself by my view, you'd know how breathtaking you are" He says and blood rushes to your cheeks.

He can't be serious.

His eyes devour every inch of you like he just found escape.

His warm hands holding onto you like you're the most delicate petal; like as if he is scared to break you.

He moves back down and his heart beats faster and faster as he nears your mouth again.

He knew that when he kissed you first, forever was bound to happen and this time he didn't want to hold anything back.

He wanted to let loose himself in between your world. He wanted to surround himself with everything that screamed your name.

He wanted you to consume him and yet let him come out free.

He knots his fingers with yours and settles into your bliss, locking both your souls and your bodies as one.

Those that beat together; for each other.

While We Were Away ||KNJ||Where stories live. Discover now