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I watch the night darkness slowly descend,
Another lonely day has reached it's end,
Longing for my special someone by my side,
The emptiness is like a river, deep and wide


You and Namjoon

You move your limbs as fast as you can into motion and swim your way towards the sinking man.

Your heart accelerate at a speed higher than light and if you weren't looking at Namjoon before this happened, you would've surely had a heart attack.

You force the water under your body as you propel forward.

Your stomach sitting right behind your mouth, giving it a weird acidic taste.

"Namjoon!" You shriek as the man, surely but slowly, opens his eyes again.

Seeing his lively eyes brings some motivation and strength back into your shaking limbs.

Why did you decide to have a swim without telling Namjoon? Why did you decide to swim all the way out towards the deepest part of the lake?

You gulp and some salty water of the lake enters your mouth.

Namjoon, on the other hand, starts to thrash around.

He forces his arms to move; push past the force gravitating him down. His legs already turning sore and unresponsive.

The tremors once again rushes to him just like before. This is the second time that he is going to black out but Namjoon decides to work against the odds and fight.

He is going to pull himself out of this quick sand, like water.

He forces all of his strength but keeps struggling.

However, as an observer drifting towards him you notice how whenever he pushes against the forces of the water, the water pushes as much but even more back.

Its like newton's third law, every action has an equal but opposite reaction.

You dive your head into the water as you realise the cause behind it.

You swim like a fish, your limbs moving in a swaying rhythm.

Soon you break over the water as you catch sight of the drifting feet of Namjoon.

You quickly place your hands onto his shoulder and try to make him relax but he thrusts widely around causing the weird powers to push at him even more.

The powers starts constricting around his torso, his stomach squeezing into his ribs casting a piercing pain over his sides.

His spine exerts as much pressure as to not break by the constriction.

His ribs almost touch each other as the force progresses and surround him from every where.

Namjoon starts to wheeze and you feel tears falling down your eyes due to the pain he is.

You can't seem to get into his head. He isn't even noticing you.

"Namjoon! Listen to me!" You say but he keeps being assertive and his head rolls back.

"Namjoon! You have to relax in order to push past this!" You scream, holding his head in both of your hands.

You see how his neck veins pop up due to the lack of oxygen like as if any minute now they would break the skin and come springing out.

His heart hammers loudly as its walls squeeze strongly into its each other. The septa barely keeping his sides apart.

Namjoon feels like his body is surely going in a cardiac arrest due to the shoot up of his blood pressure.

"Namjoon! You're going to kill yourself if you keep doing this!" You scream and cry as you see the man that you were coming to like struggle for his life.

"Please stop!"

Dread fills your body as you realise that non of your words are reaching him.

Namjoon's ears ring with the rush of blood inside his body.

It beats with the rhythmic movement of the valves of his heart.

The waters external pressure causing even more boosting of the sound.

You look flustered and feel like breaking something.

This is a test. You knew that much.

You know that someone is seeing all of this.

But why aren't they stopping this.

"STOP THIS!! HE'S GOING TO DIE!" You scream towards the general direction of the forest.

But the situation doesn't even change a little bit.

Namjoon is still stuck in the circle of forces.

Just then, like a light bulb, an idea pops up into your cluttered mind.

You place your hands on either sides of his face and roll his head onto them and bring him forward.

There is only one way to make his body relax. To make his senses relax.

To make his heart relax.

And so you close your eyes and bring your lips together and crash them onto his numb lips.

You softly nimble of them, praying inside your head to make it work.

You keep kissing him like as if not just yours but his life and everything depends on it.

You keep kissing him to bring him back.

To bring him back to you.

The man who was always there for you, never leaving your side.

And you kiss him passionately to express your feelings that you will never let him go.

That even after all of this ends, you would find him and keep him safe from anything or nothing.

That you would make sure to love him endlessly.

Burst of energy sparks around you, the colours dance behind your eyelid but you focus on your task and keep sending him your thoughts using telepathy; if that even worked.

"Please" you whisper closely to his lips.

The simple word turns into some sort of artificial respiration for Namjoon, that he finally breaks through the stance and his limbs go limp.

His tensed muscles relax.

His heart reviving back to its original beat.

His lungs finally at peace.

The only movement he shows is as he moves his lips haughtily next to yours.

He kisses you back with as much passion as you did.

He sends back the thoughts that you did in little flutters of sensation.

He reminds you your are his and that he will never let you go even if its the last he has to do.

He would make sure no harm come to you.

Namjoon breaks apart and his lips move just a minuscule of an inch away from yours.

His vocal cords finally getting their power back.

His limbs not shaking out start to  move upwards, making his body float and drift along with yours.

He mumbles softly but you pick his words up by leaving a tender kiss on his lips.

"Shhh..it's okay" you say and hold his hands and pull his body into yours.

Not caring how naked you both are.

It doesn't even matter even more.

He's safe.

He's back.

He's here with you and thats all you ever wanted.


"I love you" a whisper.

Just a little whisper.

Of three words cause havoc once again.

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