Christmas With The Misfits // Malum

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~ This is well...yeah

I accidentally stabbed myself with a pair of scissors today.

Dedicated to @lmaotp because you have like the best username ever and because I love your stories and you're supercool and ily /M~ 

Calum takes a look over his shoulder before making a quick turn and continuing down a new street, taking the next right as well in an attempt to get rid of the people following him. By now he’s completely lost in a city he’s still not familiar, but at least he’s not being followed any more.

“Welcome!” the loud voice makes him jump and he panics, spinning around and trying to find where it’s coming from. “Welcome, welcome! Welcome to the city of the lost and the damned!” a boy appears, stepping out from the shadows ten feet in front of Calum. “I take it you’re not here on vacation, no you wouldn’t be here if you were.” the boy approaches him, walking around him a couple times, taking him in. “No, you’re not here on vacation. I take it you were running from someone, isn’t that how it was?” Calum nods, his mouth hanging open. He doesn’t understand who this person is. “yeah, bet you came to LA thinking you’d find fame or something, but by the look if things I’d say that didn’t work out.”

“How did yo-”

“hush child, don’t speak.” the boy smirks and continues to study him. “about three weeks, I’d guess that’s how long it’s been since you got kicked out.” and if Calum wasn’t shocked earlier, he sure is now. How the hell did this boy know that? “oh don’t look so surprised, it’s not like you’re the first one to ever come by here.” the boy finally seems to be satisfied because he stops in front of Calum. “now, you’re lucky I found you today, awfully lucky today is today, in fact, if today had been tomorrow or maybe yesterday, I wouldn’t have done what I’m gonna do today, but today is today and therefore I shall.”

“what are you talking about? What is today?” Calum asks, this time not getting cut off by the boy. He has no idea what day it is, all he knows it that he got kicked out of his apartment on the first of december, so he guess it’s around the 20th.

“Aw you poor thing!” the boy looks horrified. “it’s Christmas day, how did you not know this?” again, Calum’s left with no time to answer. “you’re spending Christmas with the Misfits this year, come with me. Come come.” and, almost as if he thinks Calum’s gonna run off, the boy takes his hand and pulls him along down a labyrinth of narrow alleys until they reach a stone wall, at least fifteen feet high, and in that wall a door. The boy knocks six times, bangs his small fist on the metal, and after twentyseven seconds, Calum counts, it opens. Once again, his hand it taken and he’s pulled through the door, into a secluded, backyard type of area. There are blankets laying in piles along the wall, that separates them from the rest of the city, and in the middle is a fireplace. In one of the corners he sees two big plastic bags filled with cans and bottles and in another there’s an old bookshelf, but what really catches his attention is the people. There’s at least fifteen, seventeen he realises when he counts, of them, all sitting on logs and in chairs around the fire, that’s not currently burning, and all eyes are on him as he’s being pulled towards them.

“Who’s this?” someone asks and the boy who got him there walks into the middle of the circle, stopping just next to the burnt out fire. “

“This is….wait what’s your name?” he asks, turning to Calum.

“Uh Calum.” he answers, unsure of if he’s actually supposed to speak or not.

“This is Uh Calum!” the boy announces. “he’s here to celebrate with us because, just like with half of you, all his dreams has been crushed and he doesn’t have anywhere to go.” the people surrounding them starts to whisper amongst each other, not taking their eyes of Calum. “now, Uh Calum stinks because he hasn’t showered in three weeks, so if someone could take him to the washroom and get him some clean clothes, but not before finding out where he keeps his things, we’ll all be ready to go by the time we start.” a young man, shorter than Calum but with the sharpest jawline he’s ever seen, stands up, motioning for Calum to come with him. They walk back to the door and the man unlocks it, stepping out into the real world. Without saying a word, assuming Calum will following him, he takes off running, taking quick turns and making Calum even more lost than he was before. They don’t run for as long as last time, only for a couple of minutes this time, and when they stop it’s in front of another door, this one having a sign saying “out of order” on it.

“C’mon.” the man opens the door and usher Calum inside. The room he’s in now seems to be an old locker room, with lockers on one side and showers on the other. “it’s not actually out of order, but the guys keeping places like these working are lazier than you’d think, we still have hot water.” Calum nods, walking further into the room and looking around. “now, where do you keep your stuff?”

“uh there’s like...this house.” it takes five minutes, but Calum eventually manages to explain to the man where his things are and the man steps outside, after promising he’ll be out there when Calum’s done and after explaining how things work. Calum gets undressed, leaving his clothes on a bench, and turns the shower on. It’s amazing, really, to feel warm water wash over him for the first time in a month and to finally get clean, and he spends five minutes longer than necessary in there, just enjoying it, before finally getting out. When he does, someone’s left a towel and a set of clothes on the bench where he left his old clothes, and he dries himself off and gets dressed before leaving the room, stepping back outside. Just like he promised, the man’s standing there, leaning against a wall with a cigarette between his lips, waiting for him. “took you long enough.” he says before turning around, starting to walk back through the alley. “your things are back home, don’t worry. And before you ask, no one’s gonna steal anything from you, that’s not how we do things here.” Calum simply nods, still trying to take everything in, and they walk the rest of the way in silence.


By the time the sun starts to set Calum’s gotten used to the Misfits, as the guy, who’s name Calum’s learned is Michael, calls them. Turns out only five or six of them actually stays there, in their own secluded place, and the rest of them have other places where they sleep, something Calum feels like he should have understood since the amount of people didn’t match the amount of blanket piles along the walls. At the moment the six of them are sitting around the newly lit fire, two girls and four boys, talking about nothing and eating food from tin cans. This is nothing like the Christmases Calum would spend at home, this is new and strange but it feels right, it feels home in a way.

“So, Uh Calum, what do you want for Christmas?” Michael asks, looking at Calum over the edge of his can. “Like, realistically speaking, you obviously can’t get like a mansion or something because like, you’re here.”

“I’m quite happy with this actually, having some place to stay and all.” Calum shrugs, looking at the people around the fire. He feels like he fits in here, with the Misfits.

“Dull.” one of the girls, Calum’s pretty sure her name’s Ebony, says. “personally, I wish for people to stop treating us like we’re aliens just because we’re different. Like, who decides what’s right and what’s wrong? Who says they’re the right ones?”

“That’s a good wish.” her friend, whose name Calum can’t remember, says, nodding. “We’re like adorable reindeers, who says we can’t fit in just because we happens to have red or green noses instead of black?” no one seems to understand what she means, but they nod anyway.

“but would you really want to be like everyone else though?” Zayn, the man who followed Calum to the shower, asks, and the girl shakes her head.

“off topic!” Michael exclaims. “I, for one, wants a kiss for Christmas.” the others immediately turns to Calum, and he frowns, not having any clue what they’re expecting him to do.

“Come on, you’re gay, Michael’s gay and he wants a kiss.” Ebony says. “you won’t regret it, he’s a good kisser.” And Calum, who decided not to question how they knew he’s gay, doesn’t get a chance to answer before Michael’s sitting on his lap, facing him, and he feels a pair of lips pressed to his, a tongue trying to pry open his mouth. He allows it and their tongues dance for a while before Michael grinds down on him, a soft moan escaping Calum’s lips. And it turns out, at the end of the night when he’s laying next to Michael under the stars, that the Christmas spent with the Misfits were the best one he’d ever had.

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