ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ ᴍᴀʀᴋᴇᴛ

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The salty smell of the deep blue sea tickled his nose when a man with black hair, a long dark cape and leater boots made his way over the black market while riding his pitch black horse.

The big 18th century black market of Miami where the most feared people sold their stolen merchandise for sums of money. Where rules didn't matter, where the patrollers didn't dare to come and where the best sailors could be found.

The cursing and sound of violent yells filled the place. Pirates scolding over a too high price while others drunk themselves into a coma and wandered over the harbor, poor, lost and lonely.

When the sound of hooves on the gray tiles made the heads of the neglected men turn in his direction. The crowded place became silent, excited whispers were exchanged while they made place for the infamous pirate of the East.

The man elegantly swung his leg over his horse and landed his black leather boots on the ground. He took the reins and pressed them in the farrier's hand.

"Take care of Viento while I'm gone" he gently pet the shiny black coat of his faithful four-legged friend who softly breezed his hot breath over the man's face.

"Non puoi venire con me, amico mio. Torno tra qualche mese" he said while he combed his fingers through the animal's mane.

He turned himself to the farrier "I will pay you after" he grunted before he continued his steps towards the port.

The immense white sails protruded above the stalls as the rest of the man's pride appeared. His one and only love, his elegant ship which most of his life was written with, where the worth of his name came from, where he spent the most of time and where his passion lay.

A vessel from 130 meters long, with twelve sails and 32 cannons, perfectly made to slide over the rough waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

The Italian sniffed in the fresh sea air that he had missed for months, closing his eyes and enjoying the light that warmed his skin.

But that moment became ruined in a split of a second by two arms that tightly wrapped themselves around him in a friendly hug.

"Jeon Jungkook my man! Damn you're back!" A barbaric looking man said enthusiastically. The man's white hair was pressed back by a headband, decorated with skulls, his arms were littered with black ink and silver rings enveloped his fingers.

"Yoongi my mate" Jungkook said, friendly rubbing the man's back "It's been too long, how are you"

Yoongi ran a hand through his white locks, smiling in relieve "Good good, especially now you're back. It was bored as hell, can't wait to make some adventures again. God I missed the sea"

The white haired strongly placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, giving his captain a glance what looked compassionate for a pirate like him "I'm sorry for lost my man. Your family was one of the few places I felt home"

Jungkook shook his head while lowering his eyes "They are the only reason I came back in business again my friend.... " his eyes scanned over the shore to avoid Yoongi's eye contact and finding for a quick distraction.

"Where're the others?" Jungkook asked to break the awkward silence that fell between them.

A big smile appeared on the mate's face again "They're already on deck, they're gonna be so happy to see you again" he nod his head towards the ship and walked over the wooden scaffolding that lead towards the immense piece of art.

They entered the vessel with a big gangway that leaned against the starboard of the ship. Jungkook jumped on deck and took a few seconds to enjoy his surroundings.

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