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{A long chapter this time and a bit violent at the end ^o^}

Nothing but a thin piece of white fabric rested around his curves and his hair was covered with a layer of drops while a strong scent of soap spread around the room, telling that the man just took a hot bath.

Jungkook swallowed thickly, lifting himself off the bed while keeping his skin shielded "How did you get a room like this?" the captain asked, smiling nervously while shifting his eyes away and looking around the room for something to wrap around him.

A little smile escaped Jimin's body, he approached the bed and clung to the ornate wooden pillars lined with soft curtains.

"I have my charms" he said softly while shyly looking away.

The warm candlelight made Jimin's face look golden and his thin shawl became translucent as it slightly stuck to his moistened body.

Jungkook blushed as he took the blanket that was spread over the bed and wrapped it around his body.

"Where are you going mister Jeon?" Jimin asked with a pout, knowing the man would leave him soon.

"I know I have been a bit...you know, indifferent. But I feel like I owe you an explanation..." he said while resting his cheek against the pillar and lowering his eyes over Jungkook's body as his small hands were still wrapped around the bed.

"I'm going to my room. I need to handle a few things" Jungkook said, blushing by seeing Jimin's beautiful smile that made his eyes sparkle. He felt like such a boy when he was near Jimin, like his masculinity slowly left his body and showed his soft core.

Jimin let go of the bed and took the blanket, slowly pulling it away from Jungkook grip "Please stay....I-"

The small man shifted his eyes to the ground as if he was embarrassed "I feel alone when you're not around me..." he said quietly while biting his bottom-lip in a way that showed he was really feeling shamed.

All kind of thoughts went through Jungkook's mind but a voice at the back of his head said he needed to stay so he sat down, placing his hand on the empty spot next to him on the bed.

The white-haired lips edge slightly as he lowered on the bed and folded his legs to sit comfortably. He looked at Jungkook from under his lashes while his full cheeks flushed red.

"So I kind of choose you..." he whispered while immediately shrinking together like a wounded animal.

Jungkook felt his heart fall in his stomach, the color drain from his face and his breath get stuck in his throat.

Jimin ventured his eyes over the man opposite him "Y-you seem to know what I'm talking about?" he said with a soft frown.

Jungkook nodded slowly, the thought of 'being cursed' sinking further down and making him feel unsafe.

Jimin reached for Jungkook's hands but the captain buried them deep under the blankets. Not again.

"I will show you..." his fingers wrapped around Jungkook's wrists to take them from underneath the soft fabric "Everything... "

Jungkook looked at Jimin, scared for what was waiting for him, scared for the truth. And then it happened again, the skin of their palms touched, the soap scent and candlelight fade away, Jungkook's eyes pressing shut because of a bright light that burned his sight. When the light softened and a new scent welcomed him, Jungkook was awakened in another world.

I looked around, seeing trees as high as my sight could reach, covered with leaves as big as me. Flowers all around me in the most beautiful colors and patterns like I had never seen before. The smell of raw nature and fresh air that purified my lungs and tickled my nose. The grass, as soft as the most expensive velvet for the richest people, touching my bare feet. And the sky as bright and warm as sunlight, heating my face. I hear a voice behind me, making me flinch as I snap my head in the right direction, but no one was there, just me, standing in the middle of a paradise garden.

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