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"Don't... Make a.... sound" Jungkook whispered, holding his hand up in a stop manner to sign his followers.

A scale layered crystal blue body with stubs and spines, a long tail-at least 7 meters- a growling sound every time the immense animal breathed out and its large nose holes send hot air into their surroundings.

It was sleeping- for now- spread between the trees. Its petrol blue patterned head, decorated with two razor- sharp horns, resting in the fallen leaves. Its black wings, several spines breaking through his skin, wrapped around its muscular body in a shielding way as the animal lay between the trees so vulnerable yet so powerful.

"It looks like a water dragon from the myths I have read-" Taehyung whispered gingerly while pausing his walking the moment the creature showed itself.

Jungkook inhaled sharply, glancing over his shoulder "Mind your step, follow me... Carefully" he said while lifting his foot to tiptoe past the beast.

A grin formed on Yoongi's face as he stepped towards the beast "Damn it's beautiful" he said just above a whisper, extending his arm to cherish the creature's tough scales as it was sleeping so peacefully.

"Yoongi get your ass back here!" Jungkook whisper-shouted as his eyes widened at how dumb this pirate was acting.

Yoongi smiled his teeth bare "Shhh... it's sleeping- look how peaceful" he moved a bit closer, a branch snapping under his shoe as he moved closer.

The beast's breath abruptly stopped, his big eyes opening in a bothered way as Yoongi took a sharp breath and froze when he met the blue mirror, the reflection of himself appearing in in it.

Taehyung pointed his finger while his jaw fell "Y-Yoongi he's-you"

The animal rose on its paws, towering meters above the pirates, the leaves breaking under its raising weight as it unfolded until only its wings were uncomfortably pressed against its body because of the minimal space.

Yoongi drew his hand back like he touched fire, releasing the air he hadn't dared to exhale by the threatening features as the atmosphere around them stiffed with fear.

"Ah fuck me" Jungkook growled as his eyes fell shut because of the dangerous situation they were put in now.

"Cap-" Yoongi squinted as the dragon let out a thundering snarl that overwhelmed his next words.

Jungkook hurried forward, grabbing the man's sleeve and instantly dragging him backwards "Run you fool!" he spat as his cremates had already rushed away in apprehension.

The dragon's big blue moons were fixed on Yoongi with a glare that could kill as his wings spread between the busy surroundings to make his aura even more intimidating.

Yoongi didn't have to think twice, his short legs running for his life. Jungkook zigzagged through the jungle, jumping over fallen trees and pushing leaves aside as he heard the creature growl in anger and the sound of whole trees breaking under its claws, coming closer.

"Yoongi I swear if we get out of this alive, I will cut of your balls and stuck them up your ass until they roll out of your mouth and you die while choking in them" Jungkook roared as he eyed the mate next to him with pure hate.

Jungkook caught up with his crewmates "Tae do you happen to know how to get away from this thing?"

Taehyung's legs fell over a bole, his glasses falling onto the ground and getting crushed under Yoongi's feet.

"Oh sweet mercy" Taehyung said quietly, groping in the arid leaves to find his dear glasses as he was lost without them.

Jungkook looked up at the sky "Dove ho trovato questi idioti?" he turned around, nearing his fallen mate as he came to a stop and rapidly dove down at a water jet with the power of a lightning strike that surprised him.

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