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Jungkook smashed his hand on the table, the crew members shrinking together as they sat around the table.

"Who the fuck told them we're pirates? Who told them about our prisoner?" Jungkook growled as he let his gaze went over every face to find any expression of guilt.

It stayed quiet, only the soft sound of waves against the boat filling the dinning cabin. Jungkook scoffed as he lowered in his seat "So they could smell we're pirates" he shook his head "Idiots"

"Sir we were drun-"

"I don't care if you were drunk or not- just keep your mouth shut in all times" Jungkook spat as he eyed one of his crew members with irritation. He inhaled deeply, trying to calm his frustration.

"We could have been killed, Jimin could have been caught" the captain said under his breath, looking at Jimin who sat at the head of the table, cringed like a hurt animal, hoping to stay invisible.

They were slipped from the hands of the enemy just on time, bombs launched from the coast, had damaged their ship and several sailors had written their last life chapter. Jungkook had shot Skull, since he attempted to set the captain up by jumping on his back and then tackle him to the ground when they had to run for their lives, just to confiscate revenge for losing his hand.

Taehyung hesitantly cleared his throat, his finger following the cracks in the wooden table "Sir- perhaps... Skull told them about us for a good prize and to take vindication- he did try to kill you"

Jungkook rolled his eyes at his own dumbness "Of course he did" he sighed as he emptied a glass of rum, letting the warm feeling slide through his throat and occupy his brain fluid.

"Alright you all are dismissed, go make yourself useful" the captain commanded as he turned his back on his crew "Someone bring me a report" he said, clicking his fingers.

"But sir- what about Jimin?" Yoongi asked.

"Let him be, he can't go anywhere"
Jungkook said lowly, not sparing him a glance as he headed for his cabin.


Jungkook was bowed over a piece of parchment, his quill paused just above it as his mind was grinding. He was valueless, for once in his life he didn't know what to do. All what happened didn't go according to plan since Jimin had planted a foot on this ship.

The white-haired had set something free inside him, he didn't want to give in to that feeling yet and soon people would figure out they held living money.

Jungkook stroke his skin with the tip of his feather as he exhaled deeply, not finding the right path to take next. He had become so weak, captain's couldn't be tender with life, he had to rebuild his rank before he would end up at the bottom and loose everything.

Knock... knock...

The captain's eyes drifted towards the door as he breathed out deeply "Yessss...."

The door opened, revealing Jimin in the doorway "Can I talk to you?"

Jungkook felt his heart drop in his stomach, please no. He had to distance this man from now one, or his name would lose its power.

"Sure" he said as casually as he could, focusing on his non existing plan.

Jimin softly closed the door, taking a seat on the bed and waiting for Jungkook to pay attention to him.

The captain looked at the white-haired from the corner of his eye "What is it?" he said curtly.

Jimin's lips parted in surprise as the uninterested aura of Jungkook hit him with disappointment "Last night didn't matter to you isn't it..."

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