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You would have missed him if he had not made a sound, the small man, pressed in the corner of the cell as his arms were wrapped around his legs, holding his only body warmth.

Jungkook stung his nose through the steel, narrowing his eyes to get a glimpse of his boy hidden in the dark. He looked just as neglected as the pirate, his tangled hair falling over his gorgeous face what looked so worn out now

"I'm going to get you out of here baby-" Jungkook said desperately as he bend his fingers around the bars and carefully rattled it to see how he was supposed to save his God from this forgotten place.

Jimin shook his head in defeat, crumpling himself more up as if someone was about to hit him any second.

"No..." his soft voice whispered, way too innocent to get locked up under the ground.

Jungkook's lips parted as he paused his attempt to find a way to open the cell.

"What did you just say?" the pirate asked as if he wasn't quite sure if he had heard what the boy said right.

Jimin's eyes were focused on the filthy floor as he had trouble spilling out what was bothering him these past horrible days.

"Jungkookahh...I realized-I- I feel so ashamed, I totally lost my mind, went mad even... I shouldn't have done what I did, it was so vulgar, so selfish of me to let you think I did that to your crew-" his voice cracked into a soft cry as he faced Jungkook, his eyes twinkling in the dim candle light.

The pirate tilted his head in confusion by filtering out one word out of Jimin's sorrows "Think....?"

Jimin's breath stocked in his throat "I-I played them. It- I didn't actually...you know. I- my curse, I was so weak, I couldn't fight it anymore. You hurt me by sayings those things- I really thought I meant something to you. I made Yoongi sail into the enemy's waters..."

The boy's tears kept streaming as he tried to read Jungkook's stunned face "I- I'm so s-sorry about your ship and everything- I deserve to spend eternity between these walls..."

Jungkook felt all his emotions mix into a mess of relieve, fool and thrill as he stepped back from the bars. His eyes averted to the ceiling, his tongue trailing his teeth as a beam crept onto his lips.

"You dirty boy-" he said head- shaking as he caught his bottom lip.

"Jungkook-I- I'm s-sorry" Jimin stammered as a tear dripped onto the cold stone, so pure.

The pirate lashed himself to the bars, his eyes grown dark as Jimin flinched from the loud clattering of steel getting blocked by solid.

"Fuck! You're so dirty- and I thought I was a bad guy- but you- you're-" Jungkook grunted lowly as a smirk played on his lips.

Jimin's nose had reddened as his lips were swollen from biting them in nervousness "I deserve to rot like-"

"You're so perfectly bad- let me kiss your pretty lips baby" Jungkook interrupted the man's sin, as his breath turned heavy with lust and passion.

Jimin's eyes grew wide as he was left speechless, his expression turning into pure confusion.

Jungkook's eyes ventured over the squared steel- pins- a lever would do it. He twirled around, grabbing the long candle holder, throwing the candles on the ground as he prepared his tool.

Jimin stared at him with dull eyes, as the pirate was acting lunatic.

Jungkook trusted the narrow side of the holder between the squared bars, if you move it down the lever will separate the pins from each other, and the bars will lift of the ground for just enough space to crawl down under. It could a simple technique if you know how the trick works.

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