ᴘᴏᴇᴛʀʏ, ʀᴏsᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴀʟᴀxɪᴇs

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Jungkook felt the claws dig deeper into his skin, his lips parted from the nagging pain that slowly paralyzed his leg and spread through his body. Jungkook's lips parted and he pressed his eyes shut to suppress the pain.

A layer of dim wrapped around him as he sank deeper and the feeling of getting choked by the pressure the water exerted on him grew with every meter. Jungkook surrendered to death that came closer and descended him like a cunning animal.

Just take me. Take my doomed soul, I know I deserve it. Please let someone take care of Mare, let someone better take my place, replace me, I do not deserve it anyway.

At least I die in the sea, dead yet so alive. Always moving, always showing her dominant presence, the sea with so much life carried within its waves, but still unpredictable and dangerous. This wasn't so bad, it was quiet, almost peaceful, I feel numb, my brains must have shut the disturbing process of a painful death out.

Take me plea-

Hands. Hands grabbing his. Jungkook had his eyes pressed shut but he saw a warm light on the other side of his eyelids and instantly the claws that were wounding his ankles got pulled back in as a high- pitched cry like before reached his ears.

Jungkook felt someone taking his other hand, warm, even though his surrounding was anything but that, and they were small, like when Jimin had held his hands for a small time.

Jungkook felt himself getting pulled against the person's chest by his waist and now he knew for sure it was Jimin who rescued him. He couldn't do anything he couldn't even just move his finger but then it felt like the world stopped, like he got flashed back from below earth right above into the sky above the clouds in the speed of light.

Plump, soft and rich lips were gently pressed against his and before Jungkook could realize his lungs were emptied and he was out of breath, Jimin slipped his tongue inside and immediately oxygen occupied his repertory system.

Jimin had passed his air onto Jungkook, his tender lips cherished his as he slowly drew back and broke their contact. Jungkook's felt his cold and paralyzed body go up as Jimin's arms were tightly wrapped around him and the water around his feet moved by legs kicking a way up.

Jungkook still had his eyes shut and he couldn't move a muscle, but his heart felt all fuzzy and alive. He felt Jimin's strong arms and his small body pressed against his bare abs.

Jungkook knew he almost died and maybe that was why he felt more mellow, he knew how it felt, he wasn't scared, it wasn't as bad as he thought. The weirdest tingle he had ever felt still danced in his stomach like a fire that got the chance to spread as the pressure on his chest decreased the closer they got to the surface.

Jimin lifted Jungkook above level and struggled to tie himself to the rope while keeping the captain's body lifted. Jungkook felt his body get folded like a doll that got flung against the ground when they lifted the two of them out of the sea.

His weak body got carried over the edge, several hands holding his cold skin as he got separated from Jimin's strong embrace, he didn't want to let go, but he couldn't fight it either. Then his back softy stroke down on the panels, the hands slowly redrawing from him.

He felt a gentle touch, striking his wet hair out of his colorless face and a voice coming from far away, like it had to climb out of an abyss.

"You're safe my Dóro" a loving but vague voice whispered through panicked voices of others.

Jungkook felt a thin liquid travel towards his mouth, he uncontrollably coughed the black water out of his lungs as he gasped for air and fluttered his eyes open with the last energy that stored in his body.

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