ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ sᴘᴇᴄᴛʀᴜᴍ

689 53 83

A/n Sorry it took me ages to finish this chapter... I haven't been feeling well so focusing was hard, I hope u dear readers enjoy it anyways and sorry if I made some mistakes ^_^

Jungkook started to pace around, his eyes venturing through the bushy surrounding as he kept glancing at the creature once in a while, wandering why it was staring back at him the whole time.

Jungkook was walking the same path over and over again to look for clues, but the tracks seemed to suddenly end when he followed them a few meters.

Jungkook was about to give up his searching when the malformed hedgehog dove away to the right and was nowhere to be seen in the split of a second.

Jungkook's jaw fell open, a shimmer that looked like colors seen in a soap bubble, arising from interference of light reflecting off the front and back surfaces like a thin soap film, had swallowed the creature and it was only seen for a few seconds. Jungkook narrowed his eyes, walking up to the strange feature like a predator on its prey. Jungkook reached his hand out, careful and alert.

His fingers touched the slightly cold color spectrum.

"Strano..." Jungkook said quietly, seeing his hand disappear like it went through a magical boundary.

The man glanced over his shoulder one more time before risking it all by not knowing what was waiting for him on the other side.

"Va bene-fanculo-" he stepped through it, a bright light blinding his eyes and warming his paled skin.

Jungkook gulped, seeing an enormous castle, covered with leaves and flowers with mixed colors like a person had painted its creativity out on the plants. Even the grass was painted with rainbow colors.

His eyes climbed further up, the castle reaching high in the clouds as the trees followed the mansion all the way up like they had unlimited growth.

The smell of sweet nature itself tickled Jungkook's nose and even the air felt more comfortable than usual, like he had stepped into a fairy world.

Jungkook slowly looked back, the normal expectation of a forest nowhere to be seen.

The brown-haired walked further into the mesmerizing world, his excitement growing the more fantasy he saw until he noticed the small houses that were build infront of the castle, almost invisible because the big royal house caught all the attention.

Jungkook ran a hand through his hair, sighing as he dared to head for the small village. When he got closer he saw woman, washing clothes in the purple river that came out of the fascinating woods.

Jungkook placed one foot on the small bridge that cracked under his weight like it hadn't been used for decades. A woman looked up from her work, a scared expression molding on her face as she pricked her elbow in the side of the woman next to her to nudge in Jungkook's direction after.

The other woman's eyes grew wide as a stranger had entered their world. Jungkook stepped off the bridge, glad it didn't collapse right underneath him.

He passed the washing villagers, his eyes venturing over the place, straw roofs, small vegetable gardens, children running and playing as their mothers digged their hands in the mud to provide them with dinner every evening.

It seemed like they had a tough existing, too poor to live a certain life. Jungkook felt eyes pierce his back as he was wandering through the village, no idea where he was supposed to go, the dominant scent of cattle making him want to gag and remind him of the days when he still had a home.... A family.

Jungkook felt his heart drop when footprints caught his gaze, they were the same as back in the forest and it sparkled some hope inside him as he began to accelerate his step, seeing the mud patterns lead to the castle.

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