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"Get redeemed? What is that supposed to mean?" Jungkook blurted out, grabbing to his hair and staring at the book in disgust "You mean like an actual curse?"

Taehyung checked the other side of the page, but it had no contents of Gods "Sorry sir, I think we have to find that out on our own"

The mate forcefully collided the pages together and smiled "Good that there is no one pricked yet"

Jungkook perked his eyebrow up, wondering if what he had with Jimin, if he had something with Jimin, would be because of his arrows or simply because of the fact he was craving for love and affection.

"Yeh.... Good no one is doomed yet" Jungkook sighed while observing the sea behind his cabin window.

"Can I speak my mind sir" Taehyung asked hesitantly while adjusting his glasses.


"I heard complaining about the food ration, the crew is slowly starving if we do not find mainland soon. All we ate last night were some simple, too much salted, beans and we are out of rum" Taehyung said quietly, mentally preparing for Jungkook's outburst.

Jungkook rose from his chair and met Taehyung's widened eyes "Well- then it's a good thing we're on our course... Like- hmmm- right now" the captain said with a forced smile, secretly hating the discontent crew that had been whining around him since the storm had taken the biggest part of their food ration.

"Land! Land insight!"

Jungkook hit Taehyung's shoulder when the cheers reached their ears "Told ya" he grunted while passing his mate and headed for deck.


When the sun started to lower behind the sea line, the Vesta arrived on solid grounds.

A cozy lighted harbor with, what seemed like a prosperous small village behind it and high mountains with snowy peaks forming the backyard of the peaceful place.

"Keep it steady you ship rat!" Namjoon snapped at a young man that struggled with the thick rough ropes that we're all tied up together and formed big mess.

"And don't miss" the boatswain grunted when they finally hit the shore with the starboard of the ship and had to moor.

The boy nervously flung the rope overboard and luckily did not miss the wooden jetty.

Namjoon smiled satisfied "And that's what I'm teaching my rookies"

Jungkook stepped on the walkway they prepared for him and exited his ship "I want every crew-member with me, accept mister Underhill, he guards the ship" the captain ordered when he placed his feet on the mainland "Don't fuck it up young man" he grunted while sharing a quick glance with the boy that nervously stayed behind while the rest of the crew was exiting the ship one by one.

Namjoon walked down the ship, holding Skull on his good arm like he was guiding a prisoner out.

"Sorry bout your hand" Jungkook grunted while staring at Skull's stub for the first time since he had cut it off in their fight that almost turned into one death.

The captain retrieved a destructive glare and turned himself away from the wounded man, focusing on the quay-man that neared him.

"Good afternoon gentlemen. Italian, I see, welcome to our island Athalanta with the small but cozy village, Athalantia." An old man with a tangled beard that grow till his knees, welcomed.

His wrinkles showed that he was at the end of his life in this world and it seemed a miracle that his worn out body could still carry him around.

Before the harbor guards could spot their ship, Jungkook had ordered to rise the Italian flag, to disguise their piracy what included sailing under no flag.

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