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"Captain have you lost your mind?" Jin said in disagreement, shooking his head at how bad this plan was going to work out.

Jungkook grinned, pointing at a covered wagon, pitch black horses with graceful leather rig pulling the heavy cart forward. It was heading for the castle and now riding through the dense jungle and the storage space at the back would be a perfect place to hide.

"And that is going to be our transport" the pirate said confidently while spurting towards the cart, the crew questionably looking at each other as their captain was taking the first train to getting caught and locked up.

But it was their captain after all, and he was Jeon Jungkook, the most feared pirate, so following him would probably be the best option and that's what they did.

All of them jogged along the cart, waiting for Jungkook's next step as they already mentally prepared for starving behind bars for days, maybe years.

"Yoongi, you go right. There are two men at the front, knock them out. The rest take the men in the back" Jungkook demanded as he speeded up to catch up with the front of the cart.

The crew did what they were told, opening the small door at the back of the wagon and bursting in. Men made disturbing sounds as their usual transport to the castle got hijacked by pirates who knocked them out after they undid them from their luxury clothing.

The riders behind the reins got surprised by Jungkook and Yoongi, flinching the moment the two, who looked like savages, joined them out of nowhere.

Jungkook smiled smugly, planting his fist in one of the man's face and throwing him out by his collar. He took the reins, Yoongi taking a seat next to him while running a hand through his hair after getting rid of the other servant.

The mate chuckled "This is starting to get exciting"

Jungkook glanced over his shoulder, meeting four disguised pirates in the back of his covered wagon, high black heads and capes to conceal their ripped-stained clothes.

"And now act like a rich asshole and don't fuck it up" Jungkook required sternly, pulling the hat a bit more down to shadow his face as he led the horses onto the stoned bridge.

The hooves clattered their way over the cobbled stones as the sun disappeared behind the high castle's walls the closer they got to the massive door.

"You sure about this cap?" Yoongi asked as the guards were just a few meters apart from them and their safe place-the forest- came to lay further behind.

Jungkook bit his bottom lip, it had to work, after all they went through to get here it couldn't go wrong

"Totally sure Yoon" Jungkook whispered as there was no going back for them now.

A muscular, heavy armored man held his hand up to make Jungkook stop the horses "Sir. I need to check your wagon" he said grim, gesturing his fellow gatekeepers to ascertain the wagon.

Jungkook gave a curt nod, he couldn't speak because his accent would blow up their cover the moment he said a word what sounded too Italian.

The guards peeked inside the cart, letting their eyes glide over the well covered faces "Gentlemen"

The crew nod their head in a polite manner, smiling as they tried to hide their nerves.

"Good morning-" Hoseok tried to greet but got interrupted by a poke from Taehyung who attempted to shush him.

"Ohh mister Smith- you totally lost track of time by our long journey" Taehyung nervously smiled as he looked at the guard who was frowning at Hoseok.

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