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"Ahhhh!!! You fucking bastard! Fottendo tutti huh- pensavi di potermi prendere con quello! Maledizione!"

Jungkook growled on the top of his lungs as he hung in the mast. The captain had climbed up to search for mainland but also to shout out his frustration that was rooted deep. The rain was making big clouds of water around him and the wind blew his words away, but that didn't stop him from cursing and yelling.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes as he punched his fist in the air "Tu pezzo di merda egoista!" he yelled, the rain responding to him with a slam, like tiny stones hitting his face. The ship was bouncing on the mountains of water and the end was near if Jimin would keep up controlling the merciless weather.

"Dai su! Combattimi con la tua fottuta pioggia! Posso farcela!" Jungkook raged as he held grip with one hand bend around the wooden system. Fire was set free inside him as high waves jumped over deck and almost drowned everyone.

Jungkook chuckled sickly "La chiami tempesta?" he flung his fist in the air as if he was about to attack it "Facciamo un grido! Me e te! Jiminahh!"

Howling wind and soaked clothes, soaked with tears from out of the sky, bruising the crew enough to let them know his hurt. Darkness prevailed, the vessel falling meters down, making their bones splinter and then climbing up against the high walls until it spun the ship sideways. Hold onto, anything, onto ropes, onto the mast before gravity grabs you.

"Un cuore è pesante non è vero! Bene, senti!" Jungkook laughed as he harshly smashed against the mast, his eyes falling onto the deck that was at least ten meters below him.

The captain looked up at the gloomy thick clouds above him, the rain making his eyes hurt "I'm not down yet! Let's get this over with-" he growled like a hunting animal "You're a God right, prove-"

The feeling of knives tracing his spine overwhelmed Jungkook when he and the mast both collided with the deck. A loud exploding reaction made his ears bleed. A whining peep traveled through his brain as Jungkook pushed his pride's wooden limbs of him and a bright red light stung his eyes.

Silent flames, only the panicked faces and moving mouths of the crew, no sound. Jungkook blinked as the world around him passed him by and wood got shattered in the air.

Jungkook saw Namjoon running up to him, grime decorating his skin as his clothes were teared and his body blooded. The captain felt strong arms pulling him out of the remains of the mast, only Namjoon's lips screaming death words. Jungkook pressed his eyes shut as pain tortured his nerves.

Namjoon was tucking his shirt, his eyes tearing from the ash that filled the atmosphere, Jungkook looked around like he was living in slow-motion, reality not catching him yet.

His ship, it was going down as he saw more bullets piercing it, the shadow of the enemy hiding in the dense rain. Jungkook shrunk together when the sharp peep made place for the world's soundtrack. Screams that represented the end of lives, flames snarling and biting, burning, smoke.

"Kook! Pirates- they're here! The Vesta! She's going down!" Namjoon shook Jungkook's numb body "There's nothing to safe!"

Jungkook shook his head, leaving Namjoon's grip "No-not everything" he said dazed, seeing everything go down right in front of him.

The captain placed his hands along his mouth "Go to the boats!" he yelled. More explosions damaged his pride, his home, as he walked over the last remains of his ship but it felt like he didn't take a step.

As distress surrounded him he felt nothing, anesthetized, but far away in his mind he heard one name. He couldn't deny it, not anymore.

"Fuck!" Jungkook grunted as he started running to the hatch, flinging it open and rushing downstairs. One last time, he needed to safe him.

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