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Jungkook placed his hand on Namjoon's shoulder "Tell them to go straight in the wind, don't hesitate and keep this baby as steady as possible" he said sternly before placing his hands around his mouth to pass it on to his members.

"We're going through!"

Water splashed on deck like a killing machine the moment Jungkook announced their decision. The ship became to bounce on the waves, feeling like they hit the sea bottom every second.

The thick clouds grew denser as they sailed further into the storm. Big raindrops fell from the sky and littered them, stinging their bodies because of their speed.

A deafening clattering made Jungkook look up with slit eyes, the sail ripped apart in a split second and the mast balanced with one side down.

"God damnit!" Jungkook cursed loudly.

Jason ran up to him, his dirty clothes looking like a canvas panted with green smudges as water dripped from his face.

"C-cap-" he stammered while shielding his face with his arm to keep the rain from attacking him.

"Jason! I want you to climb up and fix that tear" Jungkook ordered while pushing the young boy in the right direction "Show me what I learned you these past days."

Jason looked terrified but you couldn't refuse captains orders, so he grabbed the nearest net and climbed up with shaking movements.

Namjoon instantly made eye contact with his captain when Jason head upwards with a knife between his teeth.

"What are you doing!" the boatswain yelled over the wind with a conflicted expression.

"The mast will crush the other-"

The hatch flung open and Taehyung peeked his head out "Captain! Where is Jimin he's not in your cabin anymore"

The captain's lips parted in concern when Taehyung's words reached him

Jungkook grabbed for his hair in panic "Fuck!" he cursed. Jimin was still seasick so he probably was at the front of the ship, looking at the offing.

Jungkook immediately faltered towards the front ship as quick as his legs could carry him, in the hope to find Jimin there unharmed.

"Jimin! Jimin!" He yelled when he saw the small man sitting in the round of the ship with his head tucked between his legs, quivering with every breath.

Jungkook kneeled down in concern "Jimin? We need to get you out of here" he ushered while the icy rain drowned them and Jungkook almost fell forward because of the firm ship flippings.

Jimin shot his head up and met the captain's eyes what caused Jungkook to back away flabbergasted. His eyes were not blue anymore, but deep green.

"J-Jim-" Jungkook brought out in confusion. His eyes noticed Jimin's hair that was not fully snow white anymore but light green at the tips, like he dipped his hair in paint.

Jungkook came back to reality when the ship made a quick fall to the left when a furious wave flooded the deck. Jimin got catapulted against the captain's body like he wasn't in control of his own actions anymore while it felt like a bucket of water got emptied above their bodies.

Jungkook's head harshly hit the wooden panels, he reached for the back of his head in pain. The ship flung to the other side, Jungkook fell forward but managed to hold himself on the edge before almost crushing Jimin.

Jungkook acted quickly, he lifted himself up. His blood stamped the wood as he moved his hand over the edge to find support.

He looked down at Jimin and reached his hand out to help him up, the moment their skins contacted it happened again, horrible flashbacks of the past, like he lived it all over again.

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