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"Okay, now that they've left for tour," Elliot starts off seriously, sitting down on the couch in grace's apartment, "talk to me about this whole fake dating thing with you and Awsten. What the hell made you think this was a good idea?" "He did it randomly," she replies sheepishly, giving a little shrug. "I didn't find out 'til after and, when he asked if it was okay, I didn't want to tell him no because he seemed really happy with it." "Okay, but, Grace , you gotta make sure you're happy too," he reminds her, frowning at his little sister. "Are you really okay with this?" "Yeah, of course," she lies yet again, giving a nod. "I'm good." "Grace," Elliot says sternly, almost always able to tell when she's lying to him. "Don't lie to me, okay? I'm trying to help you." "I don't need help," she insists, dismissing the idea. "I'm just indulging Awsten in another one of his silly jokes; it's no big deal, really." "You're fake dating the guy you've been in love with since seventh grade," Elliot sums up the situation, "it's kind of a huge deal. And it's not good for you; it's blurring the lines of where you stand with him and, you know Awsten doesn't do shit halfway, he'll take this joke as far as you'll let him and you'll just end up hurt in the end—" "I know where Awsten and I stand," Grace interrupts, really not wanting her pessimistic older brother to fully lay out the hell she knowingly subjected herself to. "I know he'll never be into me like that and this whole thing is just a joke to him. I know what I'm doing, El." "See, you don't," he doesn't back down, "because you just said it's a joke to him. You didn't say how you feel about it. This isn't fair to either of you; Awsten doesn't even know how you really feel about him. Do you think he'd want you to put yourself through this just so he could have some amusement from messing with his fans?" ●☆●☆●☆●☆● "This is my fucking favorite," Awsten declares with a loud laugh, reading over the many tweets coming in about his entirely fake relationship. "People are really getting caught up in this." "In what," Jawn asks, putting his phone down to look curiously at Awsten. "Oh, shit, I haven't filled you in," Awsten realizes with a grin. "So, y'know how people are weird as fuck and ship me with Grace —like we would ever actually happen," he remarks, laughing again briefly at the idea of ever really dating his best friend. He's known her since kindergarten and never once thought of her on that way; he couldn't imagine seeing her as anything more than a friend and he's certain the same goes for her to him. "So, I decided to fuck with them and say grace and I are dating and no one can tell whether or not it's a joke and it's hysterical." "Graces was actually okay with this? She hates getting attention and this would give her, like, all of it," Jawn doesn't bother to hide his shock. He's off the internet for just one day and Awsten manages to break it with a single joke. Considering this is Awsten, it really shouldn't be surprising. "Yeah, she's cool with it. I'm mostly the one carrying on the joke and she's just kinda going with it," Awsten confirms happily, "I have the best best friend."

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