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░▒▓█▓▒░ "Open the goddamn door, Awsten," Elliot shouts, banging on the door to Awsten's apartment. Awsten opens up with a sigh, trying to stand tall. "You're just about the last person I expected to see," Awsten remarks, not allowing Elliot inside. "What do you want?" "Who's at the door?" Elliot pauses at the sound of the unfamiliar voice. He sorts through his thoughts to try to recall the woman's name. It has to be the one everyone is so worked up over. Elliot finds himself completely blanking out on what her name is. "It's nothing; I'll be right back," Awsten replies to the woman. "Nothing? Funny, that's what I of you when we first met," Elliot shoots back, stepping in passed Awsten. "Now, can you please tell me what the fuck you're thinking?" "I'm thinking you're interrupting our time," Amelia speaks up as she comes in, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest. She looks over Elliot, sizing him up just like she'd done to Awsten on the plane. Something tells her that pressing his buttons would be a lot more rewarding than this long game she's playing with Awsten's head. "What the hell gave you the idea that you're a part of this conversation? Actually, no, don't answer that. Just find your way back to whatever deep, dark hole you crawled out of so I can figure out what the hell made him think it's okay to take out his own hurt on my little sister," Elliot snaps, sparing the Amelia only a half-second glance before refocusing on Awsten. "Someone's feisty," Amelia hums with a smirk, "too bad your little sister isn't as good at standing up for herself." Awsten gives her a look, practically begging her to not go down that road. "She's much more—" "I'm really not in the mood to deal with a manipulative, narcissistic sociopath so sit back and wait for your psych eval while I take care of Awsten's," Elliot interrupts, rolling his eyes. "Wasn't aware you're a psychiatrist too, honey," Amelia teases, not caring how uncomfortable Awsten clearly is. "You're really pushing your luck here, honey," Elliot warns, glaring at Amelia. "Melia, can we have a minute," Awsten requests quietly, earning an eye roll from the woman. "Can I have one next?" Amelia is well aware that she's pushing both Elliot and Awsten. She's curious how far she can push Awsten before he snaps like Elliot had. "Amelia, please," Awsten mumbles anxiously, shifting his feet. Amelia sighs and rolls her eyes again but complies, heading off to Awsten's bedroom. "So, what the fuck is up with you? You're hurting Sophia and you're hurting yourself," Elliot doesn't bother to try to sugar coat it. "Anything, in particular, make you decide to destroy your life?" The ocean. The ocean. The ocean. Awsten feels like his feet are half on the plane, half off. Just a little bit forward and he'd fall. A cautious balance that anything could tip. Awsten is tempted to take the small step forward, let himself fall back the air until he hits the water. He's taken the fall before but he always ends up back on the plane. He doesn't know how it keeps happening but he wishes it would stop. "I never meant to hurt Sophia," Awsten mutters, "I've never, ever wanted to do that." "But you are trying to hurt yourself," Elliot concludes, "and, hate to have to be the one to tell you this, but that hurts her. And it hurts Geoff, and Otto, and Travis, and Jawn, and I'm pretty sure your family is hurt by you hurting yourself too. Not to mention Jet. Take a look around, your life is so tied in with the lives of the people you care about that if you destroy your life, it'll hurt everyone's. You deserve to be happy, Awsten, and you're not gonna get that like this. That girl? All she is going to is hurt the people you care about and hurt you and then, once she's sure you're broken, she is going to leave and by then you'll have pushed everyone out and there won't be anyone left to help you pick up the pieces she left you in." Elliot was just about the last person Awsten expected to be able to pull him back onto the plane and slam the door shut. Awsten has a key in his hand. The door is closed, he could lock it. He doesn't. But he doesn't open the door back up. "Don't go further down this road," Elliot speaks again, "get your shit together." ░▒▓█▓▒░

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