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Awsten Knight is conflicted, to say the very least. He does not, in any way, want to have feelings for his best friend. He does not want to want to want her in that way. Unfortunately, Awsten's emotions have no concern whatsoever about what Awsten does or doesn't want. So here he is, feeling these feelings that he most certainly doesn't want. He wonders if the hurt he feels now when Grace runs out and, instead of going to him first, hugs Otto is anything like grace ever felt. Otto twirls her around in the hug like something out of a stupid romance movie. She hugs Awsten next, though that hug is much shorter and Awsten is certain that was intentional on her part, though he doesn't blame her. He wouldn't really want to hug him either if he were in her position. His mind races with all that he's done wrong over the years. Convincing her to go to prom with him senior year was probably horrible, publicly laughing off the idea of dating her, making that whole fake dating joke on Twitter...he could list off a billion things and still have more and the guilt is suddenly hitting him full force, right alongside those unexplainable, unwanted feelings. Truthfully, Awsten knows that Otto is a better fit for Grace . The two go together well. They can both sit in silence for extended periods of time and not really mind it, just enjoying each other's quiet presence. Awsten, on the other hand, doesn't always do well with quiet. Grace gets headaches quite often and likes quiet when she does but Awsten isn't very good at managing that. He always ends up humming some random song or making random little noises or just moving around enough to cause noise. Otto can be quiet. More than that, the two of them just have...something. Awsten can't identify it by name, if there even is a name for it, but he knows he and grace don't have whatever it is that makes him believe so strongly that Otto is a better fit for her. "You're finally done," Otto praising grace pulls Awsten out of his own whirlwind thoughts. "I'm so happy for you!" "Thanks," Grace replies quietly, a light blush rising on her cheeks. Awsten feels his stomach twist and his heart clench up because he's usually the one who causes that particular shade of blush on her. He pushes the thought away, kicking himself for having it in the first place. "Grace ! Sorry we're late," Geoff shouts as he and Travis approach quickly. "Traffic was fucking insane," Travis adds on apologetically. "But congrats!" "Thanks," she beams proudly, smiling at her friends. "No problem, traffic sucks." "Speaking of which, I'm sorry too, Grace ," Awsten speaks up, remembering that he's yet to explain himself. "My piece of shit car wouldn't start so I had to get an Uber and the driver wouldn't speed for an extra twenty." "It's fine," she assures him, "I had Otto here. We actually hung out a while before I had to head back and made some plans for tonight to celebrate. You guys in?" "Hell yeah! What are we doing? I hope it involves food," Travis is the first to agree to it. Geoff nods along in agreement. Awsten hesitates a split second before nodding. "Cool," Otto mutters, giving Awsten an odd look. "You need a ride?" "Huh? Oh, right, no car, yeah, that'd be great," Awsten stammers, trying to keep his thoughts in order. Tonight is going to be a long night.

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