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On the way to the hospital, Jawn had called Awsten back and filled him in on the situation. Awsten then told Otto, Geoff, Travis, and Elliot and said he'd start booking flights out there for them. He'd hoped to get everyone on the same flight but the soonest flight available leaves in an hour and has only two seats left. Awsten's first instinct is to put himself on one of those seats but his mind flashes back to Grace running out and hugging Otto with the brightest smile he'd ever seen from her after she graduated. Otto should get one of the two seats, as much as it pains Awsten to admit. The other one has to go to Elliot; he's her brother and they're unbelievably close. So, Awsten holds back every thought about needing to be there right now and gives the tickets to the two people Grace probably needs most.  Awsten texts Elliot and Otto to let them know they'll be leaving in an hour. He emails them the tickets so they can get through. He immediately gets a call from Otto.  "Receipt says you only got two tickets," Otto gets right to the point. "You said I'm meeting Elliot there; what about you?"  "There were only two seats open," Awsten explains, trying to sound like he doesn't mind having to wait a whole day to see his hospitalized best friend. "Figured you and Elliot should be the ones to go...all things considered. Got the rest of us on a flight out tomorrow."  "Awsten, I know you want to be on this flight; you don't have to wait," Otto feels a bit guilty to be taking the spot on the plane. "You don't have to-"  "I know I don't," Awsten interrupts, "get your shit together so you're not late."  "Thank you," Otto says after a moment of hesitation. "I'll call to update you when we get there."  "Thanks."  Awsten sighs after Otto hangs up, pushing his hand back through his hair. All he can think about is how much he wants to be on that flight. He knows that he made the right choice here but that doesn't make it any easier.  ●☆●☆●☆●☆●  Otto hurries to the airport, arriving at roughly the same time as Elliot.  The pair doesn't talk much on the plane ride, both lost in their own worried thoughts.  It feels like the ride lasts forever but, when they finally land, Jawn is waiting for them at the airport.  "She's up already," Jawn informs the pair, "the knife didn't do too much damage.  She just needed some stitches to close up the wound.  She's gonna need to stay in the hospital a few days; something about traveling with the stitches being cause for concern.  If she was staying put, she'd be able to go but they don't wanna take any risks."  "She's not alone right now, right?  She shouldn't be alone," Otto brings up, frowning in concern.  "The All Time Low boys are with her," Jawn replies as he drives, "Zack is pretty much refusing to leave her side at all."  "Got attached awful quick," Otto mumbles, arms crossed over his chest, "it's been, what, like two months?"  "Oh my god, Otto, are you jealous?  This is hilarious," Jawn remarks with a grin, "Elliot, how do you not find this super funny?"  "Excuse me for not being amused while my little sister is stuck in the fucking hospital after being mugged," Elliot comments bitterly, eyes darting between his friends.  "She's okay, Elliot," Jawn reminds him, "doctor said she got off lucky.  Half a centimeter to the left and it would have punctured an internal organ and caused her to bleed to death—which you probably didn't want to hear."  "Yeah," Elliot confirms with a nod, "I didn't want to hear that."  Otto remains quiet, suddenly being hit with the situation all over again.  He had felt some momentary relief when Jawn said Grace is okay but when Jawn then spilled the little secret that Grace very nearly died, the relief was immediately replaced with a sinking feeling.  The thought that he almost lost her without ever fully admitting his feelings to her is almost a terrifying as just the thought of her dying.  Then and there, Otto decides that he's going to finally tell Grace that she's the one he spoke of.  She's the one he loves who didn't love him back, maybe she will eventually.

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