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"This is awkward," Jawn mumbles, his eyes darting from Awsten to Otto and back again as Awsten goes through more of Otto and grace's texts. "Maybe you should—" "How the fuck could you not tell me this!?! She—oh my god," Awsten is near panicked, his mind going through all the things he probably shouldn't have done, and definitely wouldn't have done had he known of grace's feelings. "I went in that interview and laughed at the idea of ever dating her and she saw it and is fucking in love with me! How could you let me do that to her? Fuck—this is bad." "Awsten, calm down," Geoff tries to ease the tension, knowing that this could escalate if they don't at least try to keep some control of their emotions. "Calm down!?! Fuck that! Otto, explain," Awsten demands, "and also explain why there are hearts by her contact name!" "I'd have told you if it was my place to say anything," Otto explains, unsure of what to say. "She didn't want you to know so I didn't say anything. Wasn't my place." "Okay," Awsten, surprisingly, takes the explanation. "And what about the hearts? You told her you have feelings for someone. Is it her?" Otto hesitates and that's all the answer Awsten needs. He can be oblivious sometimes but he's not stupid. He's seeing what's right in front of him and isn't quite sure how to feel about it but he can see it perfectly clear. "Finally," Jawn speaks up with a relieved sigh when the tour bus finally stops, his apartment being the first stop. "Bye, have fun dealing with this reality TV level bullshit!" He's out before anyone can begin to think up a reply. "So, she's into me and you're into her," Awsten sums up, seeming stressed by the whole ordeal. "What a fucking mess. At least...look, I don't really give a shit that you have feelings for her; you're a decent guy and, even though I think she's too good for literally anyone, you're not the worst choice but...you're not trying to get her to stop having feelings for...well y'know. But you're not helping her get passed that just to try to make her like you, right? Because that shit is fucked up and if you're helping her it should just be to help her and not 'cause you want her to be into you." "I wouldn't do that," Otto assures him, "I mean, I'm not gonna lie, the thought crossed my mind that maybe if she gets over you, I'd eventually have a shot but I wouldn't try to push feelings on her or anything. I just want her to be happy and, sorry if this comes off wrong, she can't do that with these feelings for you." "No, yeah, I get that. Being in...um, having feelings for someone who doesn't feel the same way is hell and I don't want that for her at all. Or for you," Awsten is much calmer, seeming to be thinking clearly. Geoff is just watching the whole thing play out in shock that either of them are maintaining any level of maturity. It almost makes him feel like a proud dad. "Just help her get through this and, whatever happens after that happens. I don't care as long as she's happy."

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