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░▒▓█▓▒░ As soon as Otto gets a moment of privacy after the interview, he pulls out his phone and calls grace . He almost worries that she's not going to answer but she picks up on the last ring. "Hey," she greets, a hint of heartbreak in her otherwise casual tone. She's always been good at masking her emotions when she wants to so, if it's slipping out now, it's either because she's letting it or it's just that bad. Otto hopes it's the first option. "Hey," he replies hesitantly, "you saw the interview?" "Yeah," she confirms quietly, her voice a bit unsteady. "Are you okay? He didn't mean anything by it," Otto tries to comfort, knowing it couldn't have been nice to hear. "I'm fine," Grace lies dismissively, "not anything I didn't already know." "Grace , c'mon, you can tell me how you really feel," he assures her, not wanting her to have to deal with it on her own. "I don't know how I feel," she admits after a moment, "I mean, it hurts, yeah, but I already knew that's how he feels. And it kinda helped me come to my own realization that I gotta try to get over him. I've been in love with him for way too long and he's never gonna feel the same way so...I gotta try to get passed it and this really convinced me of that. It hurts but the pain is worth it, I guess." "You—wow, that, uh, I mean...wow," Otto is at a loss for words because he definitely isn't going to say the words going through his head. She's going to try to get over him, maybe I'll have a chance, he thinks to himself, hating that his mind immediately goes there. I might have a real chance. "Otto," Grace sounds both confused and concerned, "you okay?" "I, uh, yeah, sorry, I just, uh, I stubbed my toe," he lies awkwardly. "Oh...okay," she doesn't seem entirely convinced but just goes with it, "are you okay?" "Y'know what? I think I am."

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