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░▒▓█▓▒░ "Stupid," Sophia mumbles, blinking back tears, "this is so stupid." "I know, baby," Otto replies quietly, pulling her into a hug, "we'll figure it out, okay? Everything will be okay." "There's n-nothing to figure out," Sophia's voice breaks when she speaks, her face against his chest and her tears wetting his shirt. "People showed up at my work—they just were asking about what's going on between Awsten and me and it's been going on for days so the boss finally just f-fired me 'cause of it. I don't even know how they found my work! And it's summer so I can't get a teaching job yet. I don't know what I'm gonna do." "I'm sorry," Otto says quietly, tightening his arms around her slightly. "But you're not alone in this. Whatever happens, I'm at your side, sweetheart. No matter what, I promise." "Otto, I'm not gonna be able to pay rent at my apartment or buy food or—" she starts to ramble only to be cut off. "Move in with me then. You can stay for as long as you need." ●☆●☆●☆●☆● Out of the plane, into the ocean. All well and good with Awsten when he's the only one drowning but Awsten has come to the realization that he wasn't the only one he forced out of the plane and into the ocean. He tries to ignore the guilt eating away at him as he sees the video a fan had taken at Sophia's now former workplace. When he threw himself out of the plane, he dragged her right out with him. It seems she was the one to hit the water first, to meet the harsh surface tension and meet pain upon impact. Out of the plane, into the ocean. It just isn't quite as appealing when he's not suffering alone. It's like he's got a life vest on and is watching her sink. He could hand it over, save her and just let himself drown like he'd intended to but something stops him from doing that. Then he recalls that she has her own life vest. She has Otto. He'll rescue her from the deep end, pull her back to shore. And Awsten can be left to drown. Awsten is pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of his door slamming and makes a mental note to move that spare key he keeps hidden outside the door. He's faced with a mildly angry yet extremely concerned Geoff. "Knocking exists," Awsten reminds Geoff sarcastically. "For all you know I coulda been naked or something." "Oh, fuck off," Geoff mutters, rolling his eyes. "What the hell is going on with you?" "Not much; been thinking about redecorating. Took some pictures off the walls so I gotta replace them with something," Awsten replies dismissively, knowing that's not what Geoff had wanted as an answer. Geoff looks around and notices which pictures Awsten was referring to. Any pictures with Sophia are gone. "Awsten, seriously," Geoff's concern is obvious, "what are you doing? Both of you are hurting a lot right now, just talk to her." "Sorry, did you forget about the whole not friends and never going to see each other again thing Sophia and I have going on? I'm not going to talk to her...wouldn't even know where to find her, all things considered," Awsten tries and fails to mask his guilt with sarcasm. "All things being the fact that she got fired because some of our so-called fans thought it'd be okay to show up at her work and ask questions about your little Twitter rants? And now she can't pay for her apartment and had to move out? Those things? C'mon, if you're going to act like you don't care, you're going to have to not look like you want to cry when you hear the shit she's being put through," Geoff decides not to try to put things nicely, knowing Awsten needs to get this through his head. "She's got a place to stay, right?" Awsten can't stop himself from asking the question, giving a tired sigh as he slumps down slightly. "Yeah," Geoff confirms with a nod, "Otto invited her to stay with him so that's what's happening." "Good," Awsten mumbles, "it's good that they have each other." "And who do you have? That Amelia girl? She really doesn't seem like good news," Geoff brings up the woman he only knows from her interactions with Awsten on Twitter. "You don't even know her," Awsten scoffs defensively, "she's not bad." "But she's not good?" "She's not bad." Maybe she's the ocean, or the one encouraging him to jump off the plane into it. She's not bad, he tells himself, not bad.

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