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Grace's flight left an hour ago and Otto is still processing the fa t that she's actually leaving. He knows it's a good thing. Jawn made the offer to her when he found out about her argument; he knew she'd need a getaway and was in the perfect position to offer one so he did just that. Otto doesn't enjoy it though. He'd much rather she stay in Houston, where she's close. She'd come to hi, in tears after leaving Awsten's apartment and Otto hates the thought of not being there to hug her if she cries again. She'll have Jawn, of course, but Otto wants to be the one to be there for her. He pushes the thoughts aside, knowing, that he needs to talk to Awsten eventually about the whole thing.

Geoff was the one to convince him that talking this out needs to happen. Geoff, somehow is always able to be reasonable in any situation, pointed out that not becoming to terms with each other on this would hurt Grace in the end and they'd probably both end up losing her from their lives. Truthfully, neither Awsten nore Otto is mad at the other for any part of the situation. They have a strong friendship and know each other well enough to know neither of them have any bad intentions. Geoff just reminded them both that nothing will get better if they don't both just be honest with where they are. They can't help themselves for anyone else if they can't help themselves first.

Otto arrives at Awsten's apartment building and hesitates before going inside the building. He knocks on Awsten's door, frowning when his knock receives no answer. Otto never got a key of his own to the apartment but he does know that Awsten hides one under the fake plant he got because it's aesthetically pleasing and makes this hallway look less fucking depressing, Awsten's words, not Otto's. Otto grabs the spare key and unlocks the door before returning it to it's original place.

Hesitantly, he steps into the apartment, calling out for Awsten and receiving no reply. He gets to the living room and almost doesn't even notice Awsten curled up under a bunch of blankets.otto only spots Awsten because his blue hair is sticking out a bit.

"Uh, hey, Awsten," Otto greets, unsure of how to handle this situation.

"Go away," Awsten groans, poking his head out from under the blankets.

"You look like shit," Otto remarks bluntly," Have you moved at all in the last 3 days?"

"What's the goddamn point? Can't fuck anything up from here," Awsten replies, giving what's almost a shrug from under the blankets. "And it's comfy. Only reason to get up is to go to the bathroom."

"Least you did that," Otto mumbles sarcastically, rolling his eyes at how dramatic Awsten is being. " Get up, Awsten, there's no point to beat yourself up like this. You fucked up, yeah,now you gotta clean up the mess you've made."

Awsten looks at him oddly, like this isn't at all what he'd been expecting. If he's being entirely honest, Awsten was kind of expecting less straight forward honesty and more what the hell were you thinking from this interaction.

"Okay," Awsten mumbles, not knowing what else to say.

"You told her you wanted her mad at you? Well, she is. Now you gotta apologise. She's not gonna be the one to call you this time."

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