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░▒▓█▓▒░ "Next week? Yeah, Tuesday is perfect! See you then," Sophia attempts to contain her excitement before hanging up and letting out an excited squeal. "You got the interview," Otto assumes with a grin. Sophia nods, biting her lip in joy to keep herself from squealing again. A giggle escapes her when Otto picks her up and spins her around before kissing her. "Knew you would, sweetheart. You're gonna be an amazing teacher!" "I hope so," Sophia replies, holding his hand as they walk along the shoreline. "You will be," he tells her confidently, smiling at her under the moonlight. "Hey, can we have a conversation that you probably don't want to have?" Sophia nods, frowning in concern. "I think Awsten is getting himself in a bad situation. He's getting involved with this girl, Amelia, and...I don't know. I just don't think she's good for him. She doesn't seem nice, y'know? Like, she made some weird comment on my post on Instagram and then tonight posted a picture of Awsten and said he looked better without his glasses on and then in the comments pressured him into taking his glasses off even though he doesn't have his contacts and won't be able to see well now. And I've seen some other stuff with her being shady and shit on Twitter. I don't trust her. I think she's going to hurt Awsten." Sophia doesn't want to be worried. She doesn't want to think about the fact that she knows Awsten gets uncomfortable and anxious when he's without his glasses or contacts for too long because it bothers him to not be able to see clearly. She doesn't want to think about this girl probably hurting Awsten in the end. She doesn't want to think about the fact that her now former best friend is getting into a messy situation and she finds herself itching to pull him out of it. "If she's that bad, Geoff would have said something to him," Sophia tries to reason, not wanting to get involved. "Geoff did. Awsten ignored him," Otto informs her, "I think you might be the only person he'll listen to here." "And why's that? He said he wants nothing to do with me," she reminds him, "so I doubt what I have to say would change things." "He didn't mean that, he's just being stubborn. And it has to be you because he's out here chasing his happily ever after and you were almost it for him. I think hearing it from you, from the kind of person that you are, will remind him that the kind of person she is is no good," Otto explains his reasoning. "I wasn't almost his anything," Sophia denies, shaking her head. "He kissed you for a reason, Sophie. I don't think he was ever in love with you but he felt something...he just never fully realized it," Otto doesn't much like admitting it but knows that Awsten needs Sophia right now. If he has to make some unpleasant confessions, it'll be worth it to save his friend from some pain. "Awsten didn't feel anything. He just wanted to," Sophia argues before letting out a tired sigh. As much as she'd like to pretend she doesn't care, she couldn't live with herself if she didn't try to help. "I'll text him, see if he's willing to talk." ░▒▓█▓▒░

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